Yes, because a lot of trucks share textures (idiotic programming). So my suggestion is you don't keep two interiors at the same time in the Mod folder, just the one you are curently driving.
Here's one cool mod i found, it makes the street lamps look more realistic, orangish, which is a more common scenario then those white lights imo.. Looks great.
I uninstalled it, too much time consuming and no real challenge for me anymore. When I'll have school finished and be on my every-day-routine then I'll get back into this.
Yep, somebody has made a mod to give between 1000 HP and 1500 HP in 100 HP steps, mind you, that mod makes the trucks just so overpowered it's ridiculous.
It's one of those last options for the cameras, like 'inside left, inside right '.. But you have to setup a button for default camera too, it's not hold to look.
For you snow lovers out there, there's a cool mod, they did a great job graphically, physics are pretty much the same but i'm fine with that, the highways are clear of snow anyway in rl too..
Download (unpack it and put the .scs files in Mod folder)