Know your cars ?
(26 posts, started )
Know your cars ?
I know this has been done before, but, the old thread seems to have disappeared, so i thought i'd breathe new life into it, coz its fun

Just put a name to the cars, some are easy, some arnt !
And one more, probably the easiest of the lot, but it's probably worth a thread all of its own, IMO the most stunning looking car ever built ?
Well, I am obviously rubbish.........

a) soime sort of Toyota concept
b) Bristol Beaufighter?
c) Matra? Rancho
d) Some sort of Aston Martin
e) gawd knows
f) BMW 3200
g) gawd knows, looks like some sort of awfull Lotus Seven kit car
h) Prince R380?
i ) Maserati Pininfarina Concept
a) close but we need the full name
b) nope
c) yep, (Talbot Matra to be exact)
d) lol, not even close
e) yes he does
f) not German, think Italian
g) hideous aint it, i'll be astonished if anyone gets this
h) the P's right
i) Yeah but we still need the full name, clue, commemorates anniversary of famous f1 car
a) Toyota Alessandro Volta Concept
i) Maserati Pininfarina "Birdcage" 75th Concept
i) Well done,

Gorgeous aint it, i'm thinking of doing one of those Greenham Common type protests outside the Maserati factory until they make a "real" one

And yes for a), not bad for company that makes fridge freezers
A= Toyota Italdesign Volta Concept

B= ? (No idea!!)

C= Talbot Matra

D= ? (Looks like DB5)

E= ? (No clue!!)

F= ? (No clue!!)

G= Kurtis of some sort

H= Maserati or Ferrari??

I= Maserati Pininfarina "Birdcage" 75th Concept
Bloody Hell, he's got it :faint2:

Well done Spasm never thought anyone would get g) yeah its a Kurtis

h) nope and nope, but not too far off

the others (see above)
Couldn't you guys do one at a time, and the winner gets to choose a new photo/car??? This is too many.
Point taken Tweak, but they call it multi-tasking these days

But were still looking for
and h)
Quote from Mazz4200 :Bloody Hell, he's got it :faint2:

Well done Spasm never thought anyone would get g) yeah its a Kurtis

h) nope and nope, but not too far off

the others (see above)

Hehehe, i try and i've got the time... I'm in ICT at school and on these forums when i'm supposed to be working!
Quote from Mazz4200 :Bloody Hell, he's got it :faint2:

Well done Spasm never thought anyone would get g) yeah its a Kurtis

Thought it was a Lotus Six myself. Oh well. Can't always be right.
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken

of course, only swiss people could invent that kind of thing...
Is F an Iso Grifo (An off the top of the head guess without looking at encyclopeadia of classics)?
Herki yes, e) is correct, well done, its a fabulous, but slightly mad bit of engineering that thing

Duke Toaster, your so close with f) i'm gonna give it ya, it's actually a 65 Iso Rivolta

So only a few more to guess.
If anyone is still interested ?, i'll give a few clue's

b) is French, was a seriously cool car to have in the 60's, (Suzanne's Mug ??)
d) is British, but much, much more down market than an Aston, (another victory for the Italians ??)
g) is German, need i say anymore ?
h = Porsche 904

I'm suprised no one know this car
Me too Athome, i thought that was one of the easier one's ?, maybe LFS'ers are alot younger than i thought, or maybe i'm older than i want to be

Anyway only two left
b) Facel Vega
d) Triumph Italia
then i can go and never darken your doors again !
I'm 22

So I'm not that old, or am I ?
(b) - Facel Vega
(d) - Triumph Italia

Hidden text rules :-)
Quote from Mazz4200 :And one more, probably the easiest of the lot, but it's probably worth a thread all of its own, IMO the most stunning looking car ever built ?

Looks like a novelty cool-box, for storing salad items on a days picnic
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Quote from thisnameistaken :It looks just like my scanner.

haha! yea it does.
Well done Bean0, it only goes to prove that Geordie's are simply a cut above the rest

Kev, lol, i thought it resembled a mobile Henry Moore sculpture, but, yet again you've proved how misguided i've become in my old age, hmmmm that mazzer really is ugly......

(anyone got the Epson's number)
The Kurtis was kind of easy, because it says "KURTIS" on the front of the car...illepall
Quote from Mazz4200 :And one more, probably the easiest of the lot, but it's probably worth a thread all of its own, IMO the most stunning looking car ever built ?

not imo, that car just doesnt work. Looks ugly, cant really say much else.
D looks like a sunbeam tiger to me. but it's been a while since i've seen one.


Know your cars ?
(26 posts, started )