#1 - Zay
Galaxy S3 Horrible Battery Life, Now Play Store Error
Hey guys,

So I recently got a Galaxy S3, and ever since i got it, battery life has been horrible. I lose 8-10 percent per hour with the phone locked and in my pocket, with data and wifi off, power saving mode on, motion and s voice disabled, juicedefender on the balanced setting with a good signal, and less than 5 texts coming in.

It is rooted, however I haven't installed a custom ROM to upgrade to a newer version, Im still on ICS.

Would a restore of the phone possible fix this, or is it more likely to be a problem with the phone itself?

Thanks guys,

Like phone, like battery.
Quote from Zay :Hey guys,

So I recently got a Galaxy S3, and ever since i got it, battery life has been horrible. I lose 8-10 percent per hour with the phone locked and in my pocket, with data and wifi off, power saving mode on, motion and s voice disabled, juicedefender on the balanced setting with a good signal, and less than 5 texts coming in.

It is rooted, however I haven't installed a custom ROM to upgrade to a newer version, Im still on ICS.

Would a restore of the phone possible fix this, or is it more likely to be a problem with the phone itself?

Thanks guys,


Try to root it and install a custom rom

or : www.mugen-power-batteries.com/samsung/samsung-galaxy-s3.html
#4 - Zay
Quote from TexasLTU :Like phone, like battery.

Please, I sincerely hope you're being sarcastic, you would honestly have to be a complete idiot, to think that the GS3 isn't the, or at the very least, in the top three of phones currently on the market.. Honestly, the phone is nothing short of amazing.

Thanks for the response, however I don't want to install a custom ROM or spend money to fix this, but thanks anyways

Maybe you can try green power app
I'd just flash an stock rom, with root, so you make a fresh start (and delete all the crapware companies introduces, maybe not your case). Plus installing better battery stats would help you a lot.
#7 - Zay
Quote from Whiskey :I'd just flash an stock rom, with root, so you make a fresh start (and delete all the crapware companies introduces, maybe not your case). Plus installing better battery stats would help you a lot.

Alright, thanks man, when I flash the stock rom it will wipe everything off my phone right? Also, would just restoring to factory settings work too?

I have the same phone and it lasts me about 16 hours on battery from 100%-0%. I just charge it up every night and drain it till it's almost dead every day. It lasts me the whole day, but it's a far cry from my old blackberry's battery life which would last 2-3 days. Anyway, I find that if I restart the phone it lasts longer for a couple days. So I just restart it every few days. I don't use it too much, I read emails on it, I text a lot, and I visit a few web pages, but I'm not a heavy user. The screen and the CPU drain the battery the most, my power saving mode is always on. As soon as I turn it off the battery drains like yours Zay. Word on the street is that Android 4.1 should improve battery life but I'll believe it when I see it for myself.
#9 - Zay
Quote from shiny_red_cobra :I have the same phone and it lasts me about 16 hours on battery from 100%-0%. I just charge it up every night and drain it till it's almost dead every day. It lasts me the whole day, but it's a far cry from my old blackberry's battery life which would last 2-3 days. Anyway, I find that if I restart the phone it lasts longer for a couple days. So I just restart it every few days. I don't use it too much, I read emails on it, I text a lot, and I visit a few web pages, but I'm not a heavy user. The screen and the CPU drain the battery the most, my power saving mode is always on. As soon as I turn it off the battery drains like yours Zay. Word on the street is that Android 4.1 should improve battery life but I'll believe it when I see it for myself.

Alright man, thanks alot for your reply. When I have to be somewhere at 9 pm or so and I haven't had time to charge up, It always just runs out, which I find it extremely frustrating, my battery only lasts 10-12 hours I guess I'll just have to live with it, I guess they expect you to have another battery to carry around everywhere with you, which is stupid, it's a damn expensive phone and the battery should be good enough to last longer than it does Hopefully 4.1 does fix it
As you have it rooted you can do a backup with Titanium Backup, and then, after flashing (or doing a factory reset), restore app data.

I guess that it comes with a task manager if you long press the home button, you can clear the ram from there, it works as good as a reboot.

Since I tried the first non-stock rom on my SII I can't go back to stock ones, it is just not the same in battery cosumption, functionality, looks... Though I waited 5 months until I dared take this route
Take a look at settings -> battery, and see which app is eating all the power?
#12 - Zay
Hey guys, this is unrelated but I didn't want to start a new thread.
So I bought a $25 prepaid mastercard to use with google play. It has been 24 hours since I got it, and the same error is popping up whenever I try to add funds. If I try to add funds on my S3, I get the error rpc:aec:0. If I try on my PC on the play store website, I get an unknown error. Please guys, I need help, this is frustrating

Quote from Zay :Hey guys, this is unrelated but I didn't want to start a new thread.
So I bought a $25 prepaid mastercard to use with google play. It has been 24 hours since I got it, and the same error is popping up whenever I try to add funds. If I try to add funds on my S3, I get the error rpc:aec:0. If I try on my PC on the play store website, I get an unknown error. Please guys, I need help, this is frustrating


Try to clear your cookies and cache in your pc or Go to settings > apps > google play store > delete cache
Quote from Zay :Please, I sincerely hope you're being sarcastic, you would honestly have to be a complete idiot, to think that the GS3 isn't the, or at the very least, in the top three of phones currently on the market.. Honestly, the phone is nothing short of amazing.

Thanks for the response, however I don't want to install a custom ROM or spend money to fix this, but thanks anyways


Agree with the top three maybe , but IPhone 5 FTW (not trying to start that kind of war as one of my friends has a s3 and I am so jelous of her)
#15 - Zay
Quote from theodu69 :Try to clear your cookies and cache in your pc or Go to settings > apps > google play store > delete cache

I have already tried uninstalling updates and clearing data and cache on my phone for the play store.
The problem with loading pre-paid money onto google play, might be because master card was affected by bank of montreal having problems last friday.
Also, I have read that the humidity inside pockets can cause batteries to fail. Don't know if this is true. I always read technology news from CNET website.