Round-Track-Track short- length-Q date- R date
*Round 0. Kyoto GP Reversed - KY3r - 2 Hours - December 22,2012
Round 1. Kyoto National Reversed - KY2r - 3 Hours- Jan.19,2013 - Jan.26,2013
Round 2. Black Wood Reversed – BL1r - 4 Hours- Feb. 9,2013 - Feb.16,2013
Round 3. South City Long – SO4r - 3 Hours- Mar.9,2013 -Mar.16,2013
Round 4. Westhill Reversed – WE1r - 4 Hours- Apr.13,2013 -Apr. 20,2013
Round 5. Fernbay – FE3 – 3 Hours- May.4,2012 - May 11,2013
**Round 6. Aston – AS7r – 6 Hours - Jun.1,2012 - Jun.8,2013
Starting times:
Qualifying (30 Minute session): 16:30 UTC
***(Qualifying 2 Sessions 15 minutes):16:30,17:05
Qualifying (Super Pole): 17:10 UTC
3 and 4 Hour Race Start time:17:00 UTC
6 Hour Race Start Time: 15:30 UTC
Special Notes:
*Starts @ 16:30 UTC for Q No Points
** Double points round
*** Qualifying procedure when more than 32 cars confirmed, top 30 will make it into the race from combined results of each session by lap time.