Mo., 10th Dec. 2012, 19.30h (UTC)
Fern Bay Gold Rev. (Fe3r)
dusk overcast (3), no wind (0)
Formula XR (FOX)
5 laps sprintqualification
60 minutes racedistance with mandatory pitstop between minute 28 and 32
The tracker can be found on on the bottom of the following page:
The pre-event lap requirement of 48 laps must be served until 19.00h UTC on the raceday. Since this race takes place at a standard combo, laps can be served at any server connected to LFS World.
Signed-Up drivers who cannot race this round (including those who fail to meet the lap requirement) must state their absence by posting in the corresponding CityLiga forum thread (link). Failure to do so will result in a 60 point penalty on the first occasion and in a exclusion from the series after the second occasion.
Important note: The CL-server are running on LfS0.6E!
Another hint: The CL-staff is asking you for your opinion about the CL16 (link). But if you aren't comfotable with the CL-board, please feel free to write your 'debriefing' within this thread. You may also name combos, which you would like to drive in the future (as long as they're compatible to leagueracing) ;-)