Handguns and assault weapons are the issue here for the most part. Long barreled weapons with small ammo capacity are rarely used in mass attacks. People will be killed with knifes and pencils (believe me
) at random, but it's the number of people that a single gun is able to kill quickly that is an issue.
Of course, a bomb will kill more people more quickly, and we don't have many problems with those (strangely in my opinion).
Yes, people must be given weapons of some sort so that they can't be mowed over by the military without a thought, but, with that being said, a typical rifle will be just about as effective as an assault rifle against the US military at this point. Yeah, they'd kill a few soldiers, but that's about it.
A massive armed march on Washington DC is the only way it will matter. I believe that that should be allowed to happen if something is incredibly wrong to the point that an unarmed march makes no difference.
On the Sandy Hook shootings, I have only a few reasons to believe that it was real. I also have almost no reasons to believe that it wasn't. The YouTube videos are something in and of themselves, that probably should be ignored, but the number of them should be a testament to something which I'm about to explain simply for my sake, because I feel this way, and it bothers me greatly.
Seeing how poorly the event was covered by the media makes no difference to my opinion. The arguments and funding to and against gun control (and other issues like abortion, gay unions and marriages, ect) here is amazing, and it would be hard to discount the idea that somebody wouldn't try do stage something for their cause. Sadly, it is very difficult for me to trust the media as much as they try to get out their opinions rather than simply report. On the same token, it is also very difficult for me to trust my elected representatives due to the amount of money given to them each year in order to be elected. Basically, candidates are bribed into their beliefs by money. It's a very sad situation, but it would be naive not to think that Sandy Hook could have been staged. I don't believe that it was myself, but I also have a hard time believing it was real as well. There is nobody that I can trust sadly. Nobody connected to Sandy Hook I have any reason to believe, because I will never know the truth for myself.
Being that Sandy Hook only took place in a few classrooms and all who were there in them died, we will never know the truth. I just don't trust anybody enough to believe them. I'm not saying this because of the YouTube videos which are likely reaching for evidence; I'm saying this because of the way in which I feel about this world and this culture.
Don't feel too strongly about anything; it only clouds your mind and decisions. We have an epidemic of this here.
(stream of consciousness is over now