I dont know where to post this, but please help I need some serious help please
I use a mobile broadband connection
a while ago, I started playing LFS online and all wasworking well, it ran an average of 1mbps, yes its slow but lag was ok and Ididnt get kick of servers for lagging......but, in the background something waseating my bandwidth, I had a struggle for a while, turn off every updater Icould find on my pc nothing helped, as soon as I go online I could see itseating away, about 250MB per hour.
I eventually ran the anti malware software and discovered myPC is very very very sick, removed all the threats and my bandwidth eatingproblem went away
....but, then a new problem started, my internet is now soslow, it's not worth it anymore, I get kicked of servers everywhere forlagging. It runs average 20 - 30kbps sometimes even under 1kbps!!
Anyone have any idea what could be wrong? I struggle to openwebsites, anytime day or night, downloading mails is a nightmare and worst ofall, I can barely play LFS!
I run windows7 ultimate 64bit
I use a 7.2mbps USB modem/dongle or what ever they callthis. The above speeds are all at 3G or HSPA according to the modem dashboard.
Please help me!!!