A long, long time a[go, in a Galaxy far, far away, an American, a Brit, and an Ellis had a chance encounter via a thread about a possible series for beginners that turned into the LFS Beginner's Cup. These three novices made a decent job at pretending they knew what they were doing, so much so that they made the Best Logo For Anyone, EVAR and got a LFSForum Subsection, and an EVEN BESSER WEBSITE! (Which I would link you to if it wasn't expired).
We then thought we were so cool that we could host a race that involved XRTs at KY1 for 250 miles and all, which went very well, as I'm sure these few people will tell you. Infact, it went so well that we have done not, one, not two, not three, not four, but FIVE (and probably a sixth if we live that long) OF THEM! We took what we learned in the first one, and applied it to some random idea we had and called it the Kyoto 500, which we've also done five of, and plan to do a sixth sometime in June 2013.
It was around the time of the first six useless months of NDR's existence that we acquired some Finnish man we found wandering various finnish streets to supply us with less fail (he even won us a pole position in iTCC 2009 Round 6 Race 3!). He accidentally upon the LFSCART Series, which in turn we accidentally upon Bocum, West Germany and accidentally picked up a straggler on the on-ramp to the Autobahn sometime in Mid 2008, which was ironically, the time when we started a feeling of paranoia of incompatible patches being released around the time of major events causing massive pain to those ... ack up their old versions, but we've managed through that treacherous first year.
2009 came as a surprise, as we weren't quite sure that we'd done 2008 well enough, but I got all shouty at the end of 2008 on some test race broadcast which scared 2008 away and brought on 2009, which started in fantastic fashion with NDR doing what NDR does, run leagues. It was in August of this year that we decided we needed a fourm thread in this section to tell people about us, and we also bought John Hindhaugh into our team around that time, but we didn't give him enough sausage rolls so he sadly left us as a proper member, but like the Hotel California, he's never actually left. It was also around this time that we became imperialists. We also had a really well thought-out idea to charge OPTIONAL entry fees, which we never did actually do. We also added some cheese to our lineu ... effort at a Public Server which is an on-again, off-again affair.
We made a proper website (which is more or less stagnant while I work slower than molasses on a cold day on a new and better one) and then did something inconceivable! We made a decision that we should celebrate our 2nd anniversary by becoming one with another group of chaps, and thusly the end of normalcyin LFS rapidly vanished (along with my love life and my life in general, but that's another story).
Since then, we've had people come and go of the racer and admin variety, we've had some great races, some bad races, some great times, and some bad times. People keep telling us that we do a good job, we usually don't believe them (at least I have a difficult time thinking I can't work HARDER AND LONGER AND BETTER
), and we do on occasion come up with new ideas.
New Dimension Racing wish to thank all of LFS for their support, hate, love, anger, money, time, effort, waste, and everything else that has been necessary to make NDR more than just a bunch of numpties pretending we know what we're doing. As of today, 5 years of it. We're nothing without the community of racers and others who aren't proper NDR members but help us out as much as the real NDR members.
Can we do 5 more? I don't know, anything can happen. I will end this post with two lists: First, a list of all past and present NDR members, and Second, a list of all leagues that I can remember in my old age that we have run or been a part of in any way.
Thanks for 5 years!
Jonathan Palmer and New Dimension Racing
New Dimension Racing Members, Past and Present
Jack "J@tko" Atkinson (Past)
Joseph "JO53PHS" Ellis (Present, we think)
Jonathan "dekojester" Palmer (Present)
Timo "hyntty" Hynninen (Present sometimes :P)
Thilo "TFalke55" Falkenberg (Present only when potatoes are around)
Chris "Wilko868" Wilkinson (Past but never actually leaves)
Tim "Timdpr" Russell (Present but not enough internets)
Joe "Joe_Keaveney" Keaveney (Present but made a baby so no time, but hopes to return soon for some stuff)
Tom "snoring_snoopy" Madl (Past, real life was not able to be fended off)
David "[Hypothraxer" Novak (Present, but we think real life got him too)
Tobias "Laser171107" Osterhouse (From a Land Down Under)
Darren "Pantera70" Taylor (Real life got him too as far as we're aware)
The Leagues We've Meddled In Because That's What We Do (in no particular order, Italicized are proper NDR properties, and I'm sure I've forgotten some)
16h Race
Kyoto 500
Kyoto 250
Mini-FBM Series
NDR Special Events
UFRC Summer Slam
[SR] FOX League
IMA TBO Challenge
Murray Motorsport Cup
Open Wheel Trophy
SRS Birthday Event
GT2 World Series
GT1 World Series
Realistic NASCAR
Revolutionary Racing Events
Super GT Series
LX Challenge (Future)
GT Series
We then thought we were so cool that we could host a race that involved XRTs at KY1 for 250 miles and all, which went very well, as I'm sure these few people will tell you. Infact, it went so well that we have done not, one, not two, not three, not four, but FIVE (and probably a sixth if we live that long) OF THEM! We took what we learned in the first one, and applied it to some random idea we had and called it the Kyoto 500, which we've also done five of, and plan to do a sixth sometime in June 2013.
It was around the time of the first six useless months of NDR's existence that we acquired some Finnish man we found wandering various finnish streets to supply us with less fail (he even won us a pole position in iTCC 2009 Round 6 Race 3!). He accidentally upon the LFSCART Series, which in turn we accidentally upon Bocum, West Germany and accidentally picked up a straggler on the on-ramp to the Autobahn sometime in Mid 2008, which was ironically, the time when we started a feeling of paranoia of incompatible patches being released around the time of major events causing massive pain to those ... ack up their old versions, but we've managed through that treacherous first year.
2009 came as a surprise, as we weren't quite sure that we'd done 2008 well enough, but I got all shouty at the end of 2008 on some test race broadcast which scared 2008 away and brought on 2009, which started in fantastic fashion with NDR doing what NDR does, run leagues. It was in August of this year that we decided we needed a fourm thread in this section to tell people about us, and we also bought John Hindhaugh into our team around that time, but we didn't give him enough sausage rolls so he sadly left us as a proper member, but like the Hotel California, he's never actually left. It was also around this time that we became imperialists. We also had a really well thought-out idea to charge OPTIONAL entry fees, which we never did actually do. We also added some cheese to our lineu ... effort at a Public Server which is an on-again, off-again affair.
We made a proper website (which is more or less stagnant while I work slower than molasses on a cold day on a new and better one) and then did something inconceivable! We made a decision that we should celebrate our 2nd anniversary by becoming one with another group of chaps, and thusly the end of normalcyin LFS rapidly vanished (along with my love life and my life in general, but that's another story).
Since then, we've had people come and go of the racer and admin variety, we've had some great races, some bad races, some great times, and some bad times. People keep telling us that we do a good job, we usually don't believe them (at least I have a difficult time thinking I can't work HARDER AND LONGER AND BETTER

New Dimension Racing wish to thank all of LFS for their support, hate, love, anger, money, time, effort, waste, and everything else that has been necessary to make NDR more than just a bunch of numpties pretending we know what we're doing. As of today, 5 years of it. We're nothing without the community of racers and others who aren't proper NDR members but help us out as much as the real NDR members.
Can we do 5 more? I don't know, anything can happen. I will end this post with two lists: First, a list of all past and present NDR members, and Second, a list of all leagues that I can remember in my old age that we have run or been a part of in any way.
Thanks for 5 years!
Jonathan Palmer and New Dimension Racing
New Dimension Racing Members, Past and Present
Jack "J@tko" Atkinson (Past)
Joseph "JO53PHS" Ellis (Present, we think)
Jonathan "dekojester" Palmer (Present)
Timo "hyntty" Hynninen (Present sometimes :P)
Thilo "TFalke55" Falkenberg (Present only when potatoes are around)
Chris "Wilko868" Wilkinson (Past but never actually leaves)
Tim "Timdpr" Russell (Present but not enough internets)
Joe "Joe_Keaveney" Keaveney (Present but made a baby so no time, but hopes to return soon for some stuff)
Tom "snoring_snoopy" Madl (Past, real life was not able to be fended off)
David "[Hypothraxer" Novak (Present, but we think real life got him too)
Tobias "Laser171107" Osterhouse (From a Land Down Under)
Darren "Pantera70" Taylor (Real life got him too as far as we're aware)
The Leagues We've Meddled In Because That's What We Do (in no particular order, Italicized are proper NDR properties, and I'm sure I've forgotten some)
16h Race
Kyoto 500
Kyoto 250
Mini-FBM Series
NDR Special Events
UFRC Summer Slam
[SR] FOX League
IMA TBO Challenge
Murray Motorsport Cup
Open Wheel Trophy
SRS Birthday Event
GT2 World Series
GT1 World Series
Realistic NASCAR
Revolutionary Racing Events
Super GT Series
LX Challenge (Future)
GT Series