Poll : Penalty for hitting the Pole in boothy chicane, yes or no?

Closed since :
No, there should'nt be a penalty
Yes, there should be a penalty
KY3b Chicane layout. (Isaac's petition)
Didnt think it would be a problem to make the thread, apologies if so.

A few people on the server tonight are debating weather the pole in the boothy chicane is worth getting a penalty if you hit it numerous times and weather it is worth being there at all.

What i think (might not matter) is that the pole should still be kept there, but moved closer to the tyres, just as a reference to the apex. I dont think its worth giving penalties to people for driving through the pole because if you look, the white chalk represents the curb if im not mistaken, and if you run through the pole without contact with the tyre stack on the edge, you are still not cutting the course.

When you drive through the pole avoiding the tyres, it ends up with you have your left set of wheels over the chalk (curb) and your right wheels still on the tarmac, which in fact is not cutting. I dont see the idea in the penalty because you penalize yourself if you hit the tyres, losing time and burning your own rubber with exit slide.

Should the penalty rule be removed or not?
I'd personally rather be able to hit the pole than to wonder "did I just flick it" the whole time rather than concentrating on the driving. Its a tight corner, and you wont give people penalties if they only hit it once or twice and there is a reasonable gain if you hit it because you're widening the corner. I think its better to just remove the issue and let people hit it, rather than having a grey/controversial area. It would still be the same for everyone, without any room for a different opinion etc.
I think there should be a penalty for excessively hitting it. So you do not have to worry if you hit it few times.
In fact hitting it continuous every lap should be verified, for sure in my opinion. Apart from touching it and it fells down, though.
So if it gets shot off lap for lap, I think there should be a penalty.
The admins have more important things to do than watch a pole for 24 hours i am sure
Quote from FireMike15 :
So if it gets shot off lap for lap, I think there should be a penalty.

In theory it shouldnt be there anyway
whether or not you hit the pole at boothy chicane, you still have to go down to 2nd gear. which is the whole purpose of the chicane, right?
Maybe there should be a penalty in qualification, but not in the race...
Put a wall, problem solved.
LOL, nice open poll, I guess now NDR has a list of drivers to watch for that penalty!

...seriously, replace the pole with something harder so that no one will go through it.
Quote from PMD9409 :Put a wall, problem solved.

i believe trying to cut the wall will be a big enough penalty, as well as getting kicked off the team
From what it used to be in the past days of MoE, hitting the poles in the race wasnt an issue. It only invalidated your laptime in quali.
ive seen a team fxr take the pole and first tyre every lap. that should be penalized
I think that it shouldn't be a penalty. BUT, I think that if one particular car / driver does it several times, it should be investigated.
Quote from ZanZi :From what it used to be in the past days of MoE, hitting the poles in the race wasnt an issue. It only invalidated your laptime in quali.

Yep! In the race if your clashing with the tyres every lap then you should get a penalty, pole is okay IMO.
During the Q i think there should be a no hit rule as there's always been.

But during the race i think it's just there to be stupid.
But i doubt Deko will let any of this happen as it's not 'his decision'
Case 1: You hit pole, pole then hits tire. Tire then disappears (and possibly hitting another tire that then disappears) and then we have people cutting the corner.

Case 2: People pound the pole and tire and they disappear for more cutting behind them.

The pole was never the issue, but the disappearing tires was always an annoyance that needed to be changed. If a stiffer object was there (or at least behind it for support), then we wouldn't have people running everything over trying to gain time.
Isn't the long solid tyre stack available anyways? that chicane has always been a problematic cluster**** anyways.
#19 - CSF
DQ for touching the pole once.
Quote from CSF :DQ for touching the pole once.


Well agree with fram & phil, if the tyres was nearer the pole, no one will cut it ^^

Tbh this pole is only useful for me because it enables you te see the apex. It is easier to see that pole than the white line on the road so you are using it as a reference point. I think that if tyre stack was closer and pole remove no one will actually cut the chicane.
#21 - CSF
Indeed. In the race I've always felt it was a moot point as you aren't going to gain much doing it. Hitting the tyres for me has always been a no no. I can only remember one person ever getting a penalty for it, and that was the great KoK who was continuously driving straight over it lap after lap in order to keep quicker cars behind him. He got a warning, he got a final warning, he ignored it, he got a penalty. I think that is the way it should be. In qualifying it's a bit different.

Certainly there is no way I'm coming to help admin and being stuck on pole watching duties. Also I wouldn't trust deko's new helpers as far as I can throw them with something like that, so it looks like its a job for the boothy.
Afterall he made it
Quote from CSF :Certainly there is no way I'm coming to help admin and being stuck on pole watching duties. Also I wouldn't trust deko's new helpers as far as I can throw them with something like that, so it looks like its a job for the boothy.

We have insim for this :mischievo
Quote from boothy :We have insim for this :mischievo

yeah and i was a beta tester. this shit works mayne
My opinion is there should be penalty for hitting the pole in qualifying.
In race, if you do it on every lap - then there should be penalty also. Otherwise no.