Also F1 is going to be on too much business. Everything costs alot and everything is in under rule and very restricted. Though would be cool to try F1 car, but I bet after two corners I'm out of fitness if not out of track lol.
Also, would be stupid not to able to eat potatoes or anything "heavy", if I understood correctly. I like potatoes.
How can you stop terrorists ?, ummm, maybe stop training, arming, paying, and giving medical aid to them ??????? That's just an off the cuff suggestion !
That and sorting out the Tel Aviv, London, New York and Paris mansions that the ISIS leadership have.......
Seriously, it's hard to get much funnier than that !
Off topic: I'd like to see that robot do that on uneven terrain. It's "easy" (I know programming that thing is a pain in the ass and takes ages to do) to make it to keep balance on a pretty even surface, but on a rocky surface that isn't flat (by not being flat I mean it's uphill or downhill) I don't think it would recover like that.
Do you think that makes any difference?
If "it" doesn't see anything but gyro read it is walking like blind. So that shouldn't make any difference. Apart from that it can be only reactive - with no proactive ie. jumps over obstacle.