The online racing simulator
Android icon - help my brother
(3 posts, started )
Android icon - help my brother
So, my brother is creating an Android app, but he has no PS skillz, so he can't create the icon himself. I do have some knowledge about that matter, but it's very limited so we decided to ask for help from you guys. Anyway, I won't talk much, so here's an explanation my brother gave me about what he is need of.

Quote :Can you please create me an image for Android application:
-it should be at least 512x512 pixels and 48x48 dp (or bigger with same ratio - 1:1)
-it should look so it can be seen on different backgrounds
-it should be created from free, editable images which can be used for commercial purposes
-application will be about food, so the best image would be somewhat connected to food pyramid (either looking like pyramid or triangle)
-if you need more information about this matter, you can find it here:

ill do it for one cheezy crust texas supreme in pizza hut!and yeah , 1 litar ice tea with that!

Well, if you take us both to pizza hut, I'll buy you that

Android icon - help my brother
(3 posts, started )