Blackwood 200 @ Blackwood GP Reversed (BL1R)
61 laps on a track 3.307 kilometers (2.055 miles) in length.
Qualifying (25 min.) at 15:00 GMT on Sunday, September 1st
Pace lap begins at 15:35 GMT on Sunday, September 1st
Weather: Cloudy Afternoon with Low Winds
Pit Window: LFS Lap numbers 11 - 52 (race laps 10 through 51).
A four tire (tyre) pit stop will be required as in all rounds of the 2013 World TBO Championship Series. Race control will open pit lane inside of the pit window and it will remain open when possible regardless of track condition.
Discussion of this event may be made here
. Anything other than race discussion will be removed and may be subject to penalty.
61 laps on a track 3.307 kilometers (2.055 miles) in length.
Qualifying (25 min.) at 15:00 GMT on Sunday, September 1st
Pace lap begins at 15:35 GMT on Sunday, September 1st
Weather: Cloudy Afternoon with Low Winds
Pit Window: LFS Lap numbers 11 - 52 (race laps 10 through 51).
A four tire (tyre) pit stop will be required as in all rounds of the 2013 World TBO Championship Series. Race control will open pit lane inside of the pit window and it will remain open when possible regardless of track condition.
Discussion of this event may be made here