The online racing simulator
G25 - no force feedback
(8 posts, started )
G25 - no force feedback
Hello guys,

I am having problem with getting force feedback of Logitech G25 working in LFS.
Actually it was working a few days ago and suddenly stopped. I have tried reinstalling g25 drivers, uninstall/install LFS, changed the usb port. Wheel settings are as recommended on
I have force feedback in other games but not in LFS.

I am having a feeling that something from windows update broke it. My windows 7 x64 sp1 recently installed and the last days it received a tons of windows updates.

Please help
I know this may sound dumb, but are you sure the plug for ffb is plugged in all the way? If it is, try pushing in on it.
Doubt it's that since the FFB works in other games. Do you use profiler?
Does the wheel light up on start up? If not then try unplugging the power supply for it and plugging it back in. if it does then its a driver issue maybe. Would try changing wheel rotation etc to se if it takes the settings from the profiler or not
Hello again,

Yes the wheel feels light (like there is no power). Rotation is set at 720 degrees in game and in the profiler. I have tried 540 or even 200 degrees. I have unpluged the power and reinserted in ... all the same there is no feedback in the game.
Have you tried increasing the ffb strength in lfs using the > key
yes, no effect at all
Solution to no FFB with Logitech G25
Hi again,
Finally I found the solution.

I deinstalled all instances of Visual C++ 20xx x86/x64 redistributable from the computer and installed only the one that comes with Logitech gaming software 5.10.
Then I had to reinitialize (shift+c in game + recalibrate in game settings window) the controller settings.

Now I have force feedback in game, but some other programs stopped working...

I will install others vc++ redistributables with updates from microsoft and see when the ffb will stop

G25 - no force feedback
(8 posts, started )