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(16 posts, started )
#1 - Chaos
Construction halted...
The biggest problem with building a house comes up when you can't visit the site and check the progress. You see, its over 2 years now since I signed the contract for building a summerhouse at the race track in Jamaica - FernBay, while we were there racing with our team. Since then I was very busy and couldn't track the progress. And now after 2 and a half years my teammate was testing his FV8 at FernBay and brought me a pic taken by his coach from the exact place the pic was taken on our race 2 years ago.

You can't imagine how angry I was, when I saw, that after 2 years those lazy Jamaicans did not do anything!!! :chairs::gnasher:

On the bright side, they didn't steal any of the materials, so maybe, sometime in the future my summerhouse will get finished...

See attached photos...
Attached images
They've been busy planting those new trees near the house, 'cause if there's something I'm sure about biology it's that trees don't grow that big in 2 years.

PS. OMG FE has had a huge facelift since the S1 days
#3 - KeMoT
When moving in ? in 10 more years ?
#4 - richy
hahaha nice one.
haha this is funny.
Well.... in fact i kind of borrowed one or two things to build this.... ehm... sorry
Attached images
#8 - Phill
haha, that's funny.. yesterday i discovered this aswell, while doing some testing on FE with the FZ5... i never bothered posting it though.. should'a done so!"
#9 - KeMoT
Quote from ldriver :Well.... in fact i kind of borrowed one or two things to build this.... ehm... sorry

What a mansion
Quote from ldriver :Well.... in fact i kind of borrowed one or two things to build this.... ehm... sorry

a ha! you will regret this!
LOL.... 2 years and still no little plants all over the house?
Quote from ORION :LOL.... 2 years and still no little plants all over the house?

Gardeners been round obviously - just the builders who are lazy.
hmm S1 is ugly!!
I think we should start a "finish the FE houses for habitat" project...
quit making fun of my house

guess it could be better.. i need to get a port a potty around somewhere.. hm..

Construction halted...
(16 posts, started )