The online racing simulator
Instant lap advancement hack
(5 posts, started )
Instant lap advancement hack
I don't expect any action to prevent this, I just put it on the rest of the pile of reports but ehhrmm;

MPR: (can't upload files >2 Mb on the forum)

@2min06 hk (drahir) joins the track and when leaving the pit lane advances from lap 1 to lap 4 directly into lead position. First time I see this kind of cheating.

// end of report
It's sad that so many s2 users lately using hacks online.

I have a theory that if was released a new official patch not compatible with 0.6e, that could cause a momentary lack of such users online. Until someone would find it again:/
Hmm which isn't that hard to find because the method now is known. This hack is quite obvious so don't see real danger that its used on a wide scale. The grip mod was far more serious because it was very difficult to spot and I made a bigger fuss about that

But still.. It's a quite bad development that there are so many working hacks out there.

The capability of stealing sets out of replays is one of the biggest blows of LFS licensed environment and that should be encrypted in a way because it demoralizes league racing. But thats a different story.
honestly there are so many sets shared on SG or from past experience it only helps the new comers. By now I have the same bases as all top teams. If I crack their sets they dont work for me.

Why? Because different driving styles, strategies etc and I am a lot worse on tires.
Well lets say it differently then, it's not realistic to be able to steal setups from other teams and I thought this was called a race simulator

Like I said there are many important flaws which needs serious attention. This kind of hacking are just extra nails on the coffin.

Instant lap advancement hack
(5 posts, started )