CPU: Intel C2Q 6600 @ 2,4GHz rev G0 OC'ed to 2,8GHz atm
Mobo: MSI P35 Platinium
RAM: 4 GB DDR2 800MHz
GPU: 2x Ati Radeon R4850 in CF
PSU: Zalman 550W
HDD: around 1,3TB (74G Raptor coming next week)
KB: Logitech Desktop cordless (the first one without cords)
Mouse: Logitech Cordless (the first one without cords and laser)
Monitor: 24" BenQ G2400W TFT or Panasonic PT-AE900 projector(>90")
iNet: 100/5 Mbit cable
Wheel: Logitech G25
OS: Win7 RC 32bit / Win XP Pro SP3 32bit
Yeah, now im sad with my cheapass HDD. Seller said 16MB buffer won't make the HDD slower, my ass, it's like 30mb/s with luck. I want new ones. How much do they cost? also, you need like alot of those small ones to get the same as my 1TB HDD.
Inside all external HDD's is an internal PC HDD - the Freeagent has a 7200.11 most likely (annoyingly Seagate can't be sure without the serial number...)
the ssd's set me back around 112 each i think. Yeah the costs are high, but i fancied spending a fortune in total on my system
You can get bigger ssd drives, with faster read/write speeds but of course they are more expensive. These two do me for my os and certain games, got the samsung f1 1tb for storage and all other games
random access time of 0.1ms on the ssd
Samsung F1 is a very popular choice atm - very good drive, really happy with it
I posted HDTach above - the key advantage of SSD's is that they have a very low access speed.
BTW - 9ms is quick for a magnetic hard drive, but no match for SSD's - but SSD's are more expensive than magnetic HDD's and aren't really available in anything larger than 128GB at a consumer level.
Just a note, the FALS, while really fast, is very loud during intense reading, so you don't want to use it as the primary operating system drive, only a storage drive. In hindsight, I'd go with the 7200.12. Avoid the .11. Not sure about the F1.