trafficlights error
(11 posts, closed, started )
I bumped into this problem too when trying to use the client's username somewhere. I'm not sure how to make it work properly either
Are you both using the latest version of PRISM?
PRISM here.
What version of php are you running?

php -v

php 5.4.12
/modules/prism_plugins.php (Lines 436 - 444)

protected function &getClientByUCID(&$UCID$hostID null)
    if ((
$clients =& $this->getHostState($hostID)->clients) && $clients !== null && isset($clients[$UCID])) {

$return null;

That should fix it. Please test.
Works fine now when I update the getClientByUName() function, thanks!

By the way the $return variable isn't set in getClientByPLID(), so that needs $return = null; before it as well.

protected function &getClientByPLID(&$PLID$hostID null)
if ((
$players $this->getHostState($hostID)->players) && $players !== null && isset($players[$PLID])) {
$UCID $players[$PLID]->UCID# As so to avoid Indirect modification of overloaded property NOTICE;
return $this->getClientByUCID($UCID);
$return// bug

Don't help for him, he is another Lithuania cracker which is creating LFS cruise server in crack! ! !
Quote from Audi A3 :Don't help for him, he is another Lithuania cracker which is creating LFS cruise server in crack! ! !

He found a legitimate bug in my program, it would be stupid not to fix it.
Guys. This is not the place for a witch hunt. He found a bug in PRISM that I've now fixed. Shows over.
This thread is closed

trafficlights error
(11 posts, closed, started )