If I understand correctly you have already found some sites about Javascript and played around a bit. Just continue with that and try to slowly make more complex things. The basic things one learns at beginning are the same with any language, it does not really matter which one.
JS is mainly for web-stuff but has the advantage that you do no need to install anything or configure compilers and annoying stuff like that: all one needs is webbrowser.
Really helpful is imo to use a textediteditor better than windows notepad.
When you get a message like "error in line 253" then you must be able to find line 253 - in notepad that is impossible. So editors have line numbers like this:

There is also some other helpful stuff, like the colors which makes it easier to see if you forgot an } or " or similiar. (That screenshot is from
http://notepad-plus-plus.org/ )
This might also be interessting:
Those programs all do the same thing, they print "hello world" to the screen.
When you scroll to the BASIC example it looks like:
PRINT "Hello, world!"
Nice and simple?
Compare to C++ :
#include <iostream>
int main()
std::cout << "Hello, world!\n";
return 0;
So there is still that one line that supposedly does the "Hello, world"-printing.
But there are also other lines that do WHATEVER and many more strange symbols like ;:-::<#()
Those strange things make perfect sense, but when starting it is impossible to understand the concepts behind them. And more important:
For start it is
not nessecary to understand every little detail.
For example it is not strictly nessecarily to understand why std::cout has those funny :: in the middle.
You can spend days trying to figure out what those dots mean, or you could spend that time to actually program and learn something. All one needs to know that this
thing can be used to to display text.
(Just like in a car you do not need to understand how the engine works, or why it makes different sounds sometimes, just need to know which pedal makes you go faster.)
So it is very important to understand the basics but also important not to let that stop you from experimenting.