Very few demo servers, some not working?
I tried to play after long time but there are only few demo servers. Some servers are not working now for example MRC GP track, MRC Formula BMW etc. Few hours back it worked. Is possible that game support ends because it is very old game?
maybe because empty server didnt show up on the sever list. did you enable empty server on the list?
I bet they were online, but just empty so that they were not visible on the server list Wink
Unfortunately, there are much fewer people around than even 1 year ago. I remember that it was very hard to join any FBM server at any time of the day and now most of them are actually empty except evenings when you can find one or two with more than 10-12 players.

(Of course it's not applicable to Turkish part of LFS)
Not sure how true is it as I haven't visited a public server for a long time now (doing only organized events lately),here's a chart where you can see online demo users in past 600 days:

Also lfsworld shows that there are pretty much servers online and populated too,for some reason most of them are turkish:
That's why I wrote my statement doesn't apply to Turkish LFS and these stats seem to be ok just because of their huuuge devotion to LFS - take a look at LFS Worldmap Smile now - 919 online, 350 from Turkey and almost all of them on crazy turkish drag-tweak-drift konvoy pist servers Big grin join one of them and see what's going on there..
There are options to see what servers come up in list. Like empty servers private,there are loads of demo servers. Not a lot of activity on LFS these days,let's hope the updates get here before LFS is totally abandoned. Myself I love LFS and I only race against the clock,all old skool boys have gone,such a shame. Enjoy LFS.
Laters jj
Quote from R@fiXII :and almost all of them on crazy turkish drag-tweak-drift konvoy pist servers Big grin join one of them and see what's going on there..

Exactly... They can't race, bit similar to those arabs (and don't know any English on top of that). So quite pointless for a racing simulator. But it's OK that they are enjoying though.

However stats get massively spoiled with stuff which has nothing to do with racing.
Thanks for answers.
I really had disabled showing up of empty servers. It's little better now, but still I can't connect to MRC servers... I will try it later or I have to connect at servers which I can.
MRC seem fine, just connected so either your running mods or been banned ?
But, yes, online is nearly dead. It's been pointless online racing for a while as it's only cruise/drift or being banned from cargame because of insanely high pings.. Smile

Still waiting to see hundreds/any of the Occ Rift users online down south here ...........

Still, even with my old system I'm still seeing 200++ frames per second, so I've got that going for me.