Casino HOuse Problem
Hi there . I have a little(big problem) when i tryed to code my casino. I maked it like lotto but with more money and more nubers from 1-30. so all good but i get this error "The Name "CasinoPicked"doesn't exist in curent context" i will give u the code. the code its form chat cmds thats where i get the error

#region ' Accept Casino '
if (Conn.Cash > 100)
if (Conn.LastCasino == 0)
if (LastCasino > 30)
MsgPly("^4|^7 Can't pick more than 30 numbers!", BTT.UCID);
else if (CasinoPicked == 0)
MsgPly("^4|^7 Can't use zero on Casino pick!", BTT.UCID);
int RandomChance = new Random().Next(1, 30);
MsgPly("^4|^7 Winning Number is ^2" + RandomChance, BTT.UCID);

#region ' Casino '
if (CasinoPicked == RandomChance)
int prize = new Random().Next(5000, 6000);
MsgAll("^4|^7 " + Conn.NoColPlyName + " won ^2$" + prize + " ^7from winning prize in Casino!");
MsgPly("^4|^7 Congratulations you just earned ^2$" + prize, BTT.UCID);
Conn.Cash += prize;

MsgAll("^4|^7 " + Conn.NoColPlyName + " lost money in Casino!");
MsgPly("^4|^7 Better luck next time", BTT.UCID);

DOnt need helm anymore i figure it out alone anyway thx!
You're welcome.