The online racing simulator
Bov request
(16 posts, started )
Bov request
Don't read this if you are easily offended, cos you'll just get cross. PM me rather than 'spoil' another thread
It's a surprisingly unriced-up Supra Nathan. Oh, you mean the noise? It's the Blow Off Valve (or Dump Valve for English people), and it makes a silly whistling noise that is worth at least 500hp.

But they really need to learn how to use a rolling road... The guy who owns it probably claims he's got a doctorate in dynamometers, and helped the Renault F1 teams achieve the first 9 hp of their F1 engines, but in fact he's quite clearly an idiot with a rolling road and a foreign instruction book. But it's EASY money when even more idiotic car owners come along and think the print out from said idiots rolling road is conclusive proof of having a million torques.
Oh No!
#4 - Zigma
#7 - Zigma
Quote from NotAnIllusion :illepall

Whot ? didnt you like it ? or is your sence of humor blocked ?
nobody who can make it? which program do i need to do it myself? and how do i do it?
Quote from Zigma :Whot ? didnt you like it ? or is your sence of humor blocked ?

Nono, it's fantastic But it's illepall (crazy), and annoying
Quote from NotAnIllusion :Nono, it's fantastic But it's illepall (crazy), and annoying

A ok, it was me then -hehe
Quote from XCNuse :lol linked from the first post link... OMG we should get some nice visuals like.. this:

lol anyone think those headers get hot enough ?

thats hot
could cook you marchmallows on that wouldnt take long
o wait the stick would been burned
i've read about 50 different bov posts, i dont think you can change it
Please don't bump old threads
Why does everyone request dump valves, I find the normal one OK.
Because it doesn't sound like NFS.

At least no one is asking "y dosnt teh bov go on after evry shift??!?!?!!!!ONoenoeneleven"

Bov request
(16 posts, started )