Oculus rift 0.7 and windows 10

Haven't tested it yet but for those with windows 10 and the rift it could now work natively?

Oculus PC SDK Beta

The most significant change is the addition of the Direct Driver Mode and the removal of Extended Mode.

Direct Driver Mode uses features of NVIDIA Gameworks VR or AMD LiquidVR to render directly to the HMD. If the installed GPU does not support NVIDIA Gameworks VR or AMD LiquidVR, it uses Oculus Direct Mode.

The removal of the legacy Extended Mode means that users can no longer manage the Oculus Rift as an extended monitor, which will affect some games. Additionally, Standalone Mode (which uses the Oculus Rift as the only display device) is no longer supported.

Apparently it needs the latest driver - https://developer.nvidia.com/oculus-07-sdk-driver-support
Windows 10 Compatibility with the Oculus Rift Development Kit 2 - PLEASE READ (UPDATED)

NicoleAugust 27, 2015 23:45

Preliminary support for Windows 10 has been included with the Oculus 0.7 SDK/Runtime, which requires Direct Driver Mode. If you are using Windows 10, please make sure to get the recommended drivers.

It is important to note that the Oculus 0.7 SDK/Runtime is the only version that is compatible with Windows 10, and if you wish to continue running content compiled in earlier versions of the SDK, you should NOTupgrade to Windows 10 at this time.