Some interesting stuff about the state of the games industry in this thread
Heres some of my thoughts...
[warning] LONG RANTING POST FOLLOWS [/warning]
I've been playing games since 1980, I've been programming since 1981, although only professionally (gamboy advance) since 2002.
I have strong opinions as to the reasons for the current situation in the mainstream games market.
There are lots of little reasons floating around, but there is one BIG FAT REASON that outweighs the others by a huge margin !!! It all comes down to that old favourite passtime 'keeping up with the Joneses' otherwise known as GEEK WAR
In the old days, is was Atary2600 vs coleco vision vs binatone etc, then it was C64 vs Atari800 vs Spectrum vx BBC micro... then AtariST vs AMIGA...
Each of these eras saw folks buy into one or other of the competing systems, then spend the next few years arguing with their friends about which was the better system. For this argument to have any weight, the combatants had to have something more substantial than subjective ideas of gamplay and style, so it has always been about software and more importantly hardware technology rather than content. Arguments like "Z80 is better than 6502 coz it has more instructions and runs at 4Mhz"... "C64 has hardware sprites and sound and Andrew Braybrooke"... "Spectrum has Ultimate play the Game", "AtariST has midi... so there... humph" etc. GEEK WAR had begun.
The big change has happened for a few of reasons - as the hardware has got better, it has become possible to produce much more complicated games with larger worlds and far more 'assets' - requiring more time and much more money to develop, this gradual development has made it more and more difficult for small teams and individuals to compete in the game market....
However, I think that the Main issue is the switch from static platforms like C64, ST, Amiga over to flexible component based PC hardware. Suddenly instead of a hardware hike every few years, its been every few months !! This accellerated flood of new hardware updates has been accompanied by Extremely aggressive marketing - and increasing prices.
The marketing convinces the Gamer that they have to have the latest card to really enjoy their games (i.e. WIN GEEK WAR).... they buy the card... their existing games don't improve... suddenly, they are in a sticky situation - they have made a (major) investment, they want to show off to their gaming buddies to WIN the next GEEK WAR BATTLE, and they also need to satisfy themselves that there is enough of an improvement overy their (5 month) old card that they haven't wasted their money... Sooo they need a new game that can use the new features of their fancy new card....
The game companies soon learned that the only way to ensure good sales it to fulfill this need - not for a good game, but for a game that will show off the latest graphics hardware !!!
You see it all the time even in the LFS forums - "great game, but.. oooh.. I wish they would improve the graphics." followed by a reqest for implementation of whatever fancy feature that plyers hardware supports. The sad thing is that as graphic tech has moved on over the last decade or so, each incremental improvement has made a smaller difference to the overall 'quality' of the graphics, while at the same time making a bigger difference in the resources required to develop a marketable game.
The only way things are going to change is if everyone stops buying into this process. I for one have !!! I've stopped buying pc games, the last game I bought was LFS, I don't play pc games other than LFS, freecell, minesweeper and the odd game of online othello or poker. The only time i buy a gfx card is when I Have to for a new system, and then its the minimum spec that will run LFS at a reasonable refresh rate and resolution.
Don't get me wrong, I still love games, just not the glossy crap thats out there now - the only company that is doing anything remotely interesting is Nintendo (but there are other issues with them - even more difficlt for small dev teams...)
enough for now