I think he probably wants to use the AIs as parked cars for cruise servers, or just dummy cars. (?)
Exactly, I can see some uses for dummy cars.
Quote from sicotange :OFF-TOPIC:

Thanks to IS_JRR you can easily teleport AI cars. Would it make sense to lift the open config restriction ("AI can't drive on this configuration" message)? In this case the AI car would be spawned with handbrake on and engine turned off.

Quote from cargame.nl :AI cant drive on open config because it has no path which it can follow.

He just wants to use them as obstacles/decoration. Which may be nice, but not really useful IMO.
Eehh no. But I try to be neutral with someone elses idea's as long as it doesn't conflict with mine Big grin Wink
Off topic - Airio related
Just downloaded 2.5.8 free version and it can be reverse engineerd into source code quite easily & compiled with needed changes.
Of course it would be quite illegal since it's EQ Worry code and we don't have rights to it
a) Thats why I didnt mentioned it. Not so smart to do this.
b) it's not that easy to recompile, saying and doing are often quite different things here on this forum.
c) LFS is bigger then one InSim
Quote from sicotange :I have one complaint concerning IS_JRR. When you teleported a car (on a grid for example) the car is moving because the handbrake is not on. This is a problem. Cars spawned on a grid before a race shouldn't move at all.


You and Whiskey will be pleased to know that today I'm working on the InSim checkpoints and InSim circles.

Quote from sicotange :Would it make sense to lift the open config restriction ("AI can't drive on this configuration" message)? In this case the AI car would be spawned with handbrake on and engine turned off.

Allowing AI would be interesting if you could set AI waypoints and so on but there isn't time for this update.

Quote from Flame CZE :I think he probably wants to use the AIs as parked cars for cruise servers, or just dummy cars. (?)

Flame, have you tried the plus buttons beside connections, to add remote players to the grid? I think it was your suggestion and hopefully does what you want. And do you find the grid place moving system ok?

Quote from Simpson :it's EQ Worry code and we don't have rights to it

Is anyone in contact with EQ Worry?

I wonder if he would mind giving the source code to the community, if he doesn't intend to work on it any more?
I am in contact, I don't understand why someone needs to be forced to do something while he has done so much already with almost nothing in return. Mostly disrespect. He doesn't want to be involved with LFS anymore, Airio is only still alive because of some people.

And Scawen, did you wanted to give your LFS source code away in the years of silence?
Why should anyone be forced to do anything?

This is all supposed to be about fun and competition.

So what are you saying? EQ feels bitter towards the LFS community in some way?
Not only that but also LFS development. You never answered any of his mails, barely noticed he existed. I don't like to speak too much on someones behalf but he put a lot of his energy into LFS, so much it hurted his private life. Finally abandons it completely and then after some years of completely being ignored some people ask the source code, your own work... Because well.. -You might have an issue but we need to move on- ... Eeehh no thats not .. No it doesn't work like that.

It's a sensitive guy anyway, I think you have someone in your own team with similar characteristics.
Quote :You and Whiskey will be pleased to know that today I'm working on the InSim checkpoints and InSim circles.

Pleased indeed Smile Your timing is perfect, I'm writing that multiple races feature and am annoyed with the way I currently deal with custom checkpoints (see attachment: slab wall objects to simulate checkpoint, colour byte to detect what kind of checkpoint it is).

Scawen, any chance you look into what Degats and I briefly discussed (post 26 -> 37 in this thread): https://www.lfs.net/forum/post/1902495#post1902495

It would be nice to know if this is out of the question or likely to land on your notes as to not raise expectations.
Attached images
multiple races draft.jpg
Quote from cargame.nl :Not only that but also LFS development. You never answered any of his mails, barely noticed he existed.

This is all new to me. Saying things like "it doesn't work like that" seems a bit odd when all I've asked is "I wonder if he would mind giving the source code to the community" which is an entirely innocent and reasonable question.

You are bringing in this psychological stuff, staying it as if I could have known of these issues in some way. It is strange if you are saying he has a problem with me. I remember doing some requests for him here. I have no recollection of ignoring a mail from him, or even receiving one from him.

If he sent a mail and didn't get a reply, I guess he could have written another. Emails do go missing sometimes.
cargame.nl, do you realise you wouldn't dare to say half of what you said if you were face-to-face with the people you throw dirt at?

Instead of being destructive why don't you do something helpful like contacting him?
Quote from Scawen :You and Whiskey will be pleased to know that today I'm working on the InSim checkpoints and InSim circles.

Scawen, one last note about this.

Would it be posible to set circleID? This way we could program our app to always treat ID<20 as being in pit for example. And ID>200 as another range, etc. Same behavour as start postition, sequential on creation but customizable.
Quote from Scawen :Flame, have you tried the plus buttons beside connections, to add remote players to the grid? I think it was your suggestion and hopefully does what you want.

Works perfectly, really useful for race admins, thanks Smile

One thing, when you try to add someone who hasn't seleced their car yet, it says "No car selected" on their screen, but nothing on the admin's side. Would it make sense if the admin was informed about the reason too? Something like "Username : No car selected".
Quote from Scawen :And do you find the grid place moving system ok?

Works nice too - what I originally had in mind were up/down arrows, but it's better this way, that you can move someone to anywhere by clicking just once.
Quote from Scawen :reasonable question.

No it really isn't. It's the same as asking [WS], [TC], [RC] or [WKD] source code and ask if someone else continues with the work they have done. I even asked the creator of TV director if he would share his code.. The answer was no and I completely understand this. Maybe it are different points of view but it simply doesn't work like that. It's the same as asking you to share your LFS source code because people think it all doesn't go fast enough. Yes it's psychological stuff, thats what communities are about.

By the way when [LTC]'s source code hit the streets it mostly ended up on illegal cruise servers which are still very much alive today, so your request can even backfire. No it's the best, I think, that everyone keeps doing their own stuff.

Quote from sicotange :do something helpful

I am very helpful for the last seven years. And what you want is not helpful, for him. Stop thinking about your own personal interest. It's very arrogant.

And yes I would say exactly the same face-to-face. Thats even better because you don't miss the body language and tone of it. (Which probably makes everything a bit softer instead of stronger). Dirt? It's just what it is. Nothing to do with dirt. I am very direct you know. By the way, I don't know you.
Quote from sicotange :...I'm writing that multiple races feature...

...any chance you look into what Degats and I briefly discussed...

The packet to place InSim objects into the selected objects is on my notes and as far as I know it shouldn't be a problem.

I'm prioritising the incompatible things but do hope to do that as well.

I've posted a preview of the User Control Object packet below.

Quote from Whiskey :Would it be posible to set circleID? This way we could program our app to always treat ID<20 as being in pit for example. And ID>200 as another range, etc. Same behavour as start postition, sequential on creation but customizable.

The circles do have an ID, but at the moment they follow a pattern like the route checkers. So you can set the ID but only in a continuous sequence.

That may be convenient but I suppose it could cause issues, when you delete a circle the ones above it drop an ID. Would it be better to drop the route checker style sequence?

By the way, the checkpoints do not have an ID, because that space is used up for the Heading. Checkpoints must be identified in the normal way by X, Y, Zbyte, Index.

Quote from Flame CZE :One thing, when you try to add someone who hasn't seleced their car yet, it says "No car selected" on their screen, but nothing on the admin's side. Would it make sense if the admin was informed about the reason too? Something like "Username : No car selected".

Noted that, thanks.

Preview of the IS_UCO:

struct IS_UCO // User Control Object
byte Size; // 28
byte Type; // ISP_UCO
byte ReqI; // 0
byte PLID; // player's unique id

byte UCOFlags;
byte Sp1;
byte Sp2;
byte Sp3;

unsigned Time; // hundredths of a second since start (as in SMALL_RTP)

CarContOBJ C;
byte Direction; // car's motion if Speed > 0 : 0 = world y direction, 128 = 180 deg
byte Heading; // direction of forward axis : 0 = world y direction, 128 = 180 deg
byte Speed; // m/s
byte Sp3;

short X; // position (1 metre = 16)
short Y; // position (1 metre = 16)
ObjectInfo Info; // Index 252 : InSim checkpoint / Index 253 : InSim circle
short X;
short Y;

byte Zbyte;
byte Flags;
byte Index;
byte Heading;

// UCOFlags byte

#define UCO_WRONG_WAY 1 // set when going through a checkpoint in the wrong direction
#define UCO_DEPART 2 // not set when entering a circle - set when leaving a circle

Quote from cargame.nl :No it really isn't. It's the same as asking [WS], [TC], [RC] or [WKD] source code and ask if someone else continues with the work they have done.

Nothing wrong with asking, really.

If I decided to leave LFS and someone asked me if I wanted to release the source code, I could answer yes or no. In either case, their question would be reasonable.

Quote from cargame.nl :I even asked the creator of TV director if he would share his code.. The answer was no and I completely understand this.

You asked. Was that unreasonable? I don't see what's wrong with you asking. He said no. That is not unreasonable either.

I just asked if anyone knew if EQ might wish to release his code. But you are saying that there is something wrong with that. I really don't have a clue why you are saying that.
Quote from Scawen :The circles do have an ID, but at the moment they follow a pattern like the route checkers. So you can set the ID but only in a continuous sequence.

That may be convenient but I suppose it could cause issues, when you delete a circle the ones above it drop an ID. Would it be better to drop the route checker style sequence?

By the way, the checkpoints do not have an ID, because that space is used up for the Heading. Checkpoints must be identified in the normal way by X, Y, Zbyte, Index.

AFAIK circles don't have any heading xD

This circle is going to be used only by InSim applications, I think that an ID is way better than coordinates for identification, and having non-consecutive IDs don't cause any problem at all.
I know circles don't have a heading.

But checkpoints do. That's why circles do have a separate ID but checkpoints don't.
Ah, right, I've misread a bit of your previous post. We'd really like to be able to set a custom ID to the circles, that doesn't change if deleting/adding other circles. Would be a lot more versatile and cause less headaches if a layout has to be modified (adapting an older one to an open circuit for example).
Identifying circles with X Y Z, would be like MCI but native. That would make us to edit our insim every week for the next track.

With a byte to identify the circle, at the begin of seasson we create all the league layouts we will be using, so we could assing circles with this pattern:

0 Not deff.
1 Joker lap
10-40 pits
50-110 Controlled cornet cut.

Then insim knows somedriver crossed circle numer 55, its a cornet cut.
No matter what track is it, no matter what coordinates, this way I can identify what kind of circle is.

It´s like insim buttoms, you can set id for everybutton and manage it individually, no matter where you show it on screen.
Quote :
The packet to place InSim objects into the selected objects is on my notes and as far as I know it shouldn't be a problem.

I'm prioritising the incompatible things but do hope to do that as well.

Looking forward to this!

Quote :Would it be better to drop the route checker style sequence?

Personally, I'm not fond of the route checker ID sequence. I suppose it isn't possible to have the same indexing system as Start Position & Pit Start Point?

Quote :Preview of the IS_UCO:

Looks great so far Thumbs up

Will the InSim checkpoints & circles be reported by IS_AXM? And will there be a limit to the amount of InSim checkpoints?

Quote :I am very helpful for the last seven years. And what you want is not helpful, for him. Stop thinking about your own personal interest. It's very arrogant.

And yes I would say exactly the same face-to-face. Thats even better because you don't miss the body language and tone of it. (Which probably makes everything a bit softer instead of stronger). Dirt? It's just what it is. Nothing to do with dirt. I am very direct you know. By the way, I don't know you.

@cargame.nl: So much frustration and animosity...I'm not going to respond to your personal attacks, I'm only interested in LFS development and this thread is about exactly that.
You don't seem to realise the chance you have to directly correspond with the game developers. With such hostility, no wonder some game developers avoid public fora like the plague.
Guys, can you please stop all this personal bikkering in this thread?
It won't lead to anything and it's distracting when reading the ongoing developement. @Scawen: Just wanted to take this opportunity to say thanks for your work on LFS. Keep on going.
I didn't started it, somebody else did by saying he suggested breaking into source code. I am surprised that it is accepted, if you talk about rude then this is rude.
Quote from sicotange :
@cargame.nl: So much frustration and animosity...I'm not going to respond to your personal attacks,

Stop making silly opinions about me, I didn't ask for it. I don't know you, you don't know me and by the looks of it, it's the best. End of story.