The online racing simulator
Online parking game
(23 posts, started )
#1 - bal00
Online parking game
Odd way to sell a car, and it would appear I'm not very good at parking.


Rip-off of parking perfections lol

Parking perfections 1, 2 and 3 pwns
Quote from Kajojek(PL) :My overall time was 70.6 seconds.

Level #1- 8.6 Seconds
Level #2- 8.8 Seconds

Level #3- 15 Seconds

Level #4- 16.4 Seconds

EDIT: I just looked at yours times. How is it possible to do 33.1? :O

EDIT 2: Here is another cool game

OMG!!! Didnt know there was a no. 3!! Cheers!
72,2...But Im n00b in parking/driving cars so
#8 - joen
frustrating game

62.3 for me

Anybody got a good setup? I'm sure I can do better then
Woohoo new PB 34.5 Seconds. Still a lot of room for improvement. Here are my best splits so far.

Level #1- 7.5 Seconds
Level #2- 5.7 Seconds
Level #3- 11.8 Seconds
Level #4- 9.1 Seconds
Attached images
New try and got 43,7...not bad. Allthou I think its a bit unrealistic park-a-french-car-simulation, because I've heard they park by ear, and in this game you cant touch anything
Quote from Kajojek(PL) :My overall time was 70.6 seconds.

Level #1- 8.6 Seconds
Level #2- 8.8 Seconds

Level #3- 15 Seconds

Level #4- 16.4 Seconds

EDIT: I just looked at yours times. How is it possible to do 33.1? :O

EDIT 2: Here is another cool game

EDIT 3: And another cool game

But the Peugot one is the best one

I've played the first two Parking Perfection games for ages now so i know the basic stearing stuff. Only found out about 3 today at college.
And I just set a new world record in parking and still a lot of room for improvment, I had to drive into the last level to times because I missed the first time. Beat this! 30.6 Seconds

EDIT: I dont think anybody can park better than me :P 26.9 Seconds Wohoo (Still, not a lot of room for improvement hehe)
Attached images
Parking World Record.jpg
63.0 for me
Quote from Kajojek(PL) :EDIT: I dont think anybody can park better than me :P 26.9 Seconds Wohoo (Still, not a lot of room for improvement hehe)

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Oh damn you, I have to do some hotlaping now. I recorded my splits yesterday and when i add my best ones I gwt 24.6 seconds but I will try to do it all at once
Beat this! 24.3 Seconds. I still see some room for improvement on level 3 and 4.
Attached images
Beat This =D.jpg
17.7 :d
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#18 - wE1l
21.1 in my fourth try.

and 9.6 in my sixth try.

EDIT: we got some genius parkers here, it can't imagine doing a 25.x! Gosh!
9.6? You realised there are 4 levels?
Quote from dave_w11 :17.7 :d

No way!
#21 - wE1l
Quote from dave_w11 :9.6? You realised there are 4 levels?

LOL, I was a n00b.

What's your time for level one btw?
I think it was 5.2 on level 1. Then about 3.2 on 2, 4.3 ish on 3 (going forwards) and 4.8 ish on the last (going backwards). Although that adds up to 17.5 so must've got some a bit wrong.
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken

Online parking game
(23 posts, started )