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Lotus notes
(3 posts, started )
Lotus notes
I receive error when migrating Notes data with the Notes Migrator admin batch migration process:

"ERROR: [4618-33-102-00004103] Unable to open NSF file 'cn=SERVERNAME/o=XXX/c=YY!!mail/SERVERNAME/username.nsf'"
where SERVERNAME = the mail server name containing the user's mailbox.
What should I do for the problem?
0118 999 881 999 119 725 3

Verify that the nsf file is present in the path specified. The TSV file row for that particular user can be edited to enter the correct path to the mail file, and then attempt the migration again. In most cases, the mailserver name is incorrect, and changing this value to reflect the correct mailserver that contains the NSF file should resolve the issue.

Or try the Help Desk.
Verify that the nsf file is present in the path specified. The TSV file row for that particular user can be edited to enter the correct path to the mail file, and then attempt the migration again.

In most cases, the mailserver name is incorrect, and changing this value to reflect the correct mailserver that contains the NSF file should resolve the issue. If it useless, there is a good program: Lotus Notes Fix Toolbox

Lotus notes
(3 posts, started )