Interested in the meaning of a weird sign I saw in Hungary
I was driving in Hungary the other day and I saw a really weird sign. It had a green background with white "symbols". There were two crosses, then a few symbols that resemble an "A" and an "O" with dots on them and two crosses in the end again. I do not have a picture of it, neither remember the exact place, but it was somewhere on the strech of road between Barcs and Marcali. (exact route in attachment)

If anyone can shed some light, I'd be very interested in knowing what does that sign mean.
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use windows paint to draw it maybe?
#3 - Sobis
Or you could try using street view and search for some landmarks to get a more precise location?
Tried to draw how the symbols look. This is the color layout of the sign. There were two crosses, then the O, then an A, another O, and 2 crosses again IIRC.

Tried using google street view to no avail. Couldn't pinpoint the location of it. It's entirely possible it was put after the google street car passed that location as well. What I can say is that it was in only one town/village on that stretch of road.
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After that drawing, now I am interested as well!
#6 - Bean0
Are these the sort of signs that indicate directions in either a road rally, cycle race or running ?
(AtomAnt) DELETED by AtomAnt
(AtomAnt) DELETED by AtomAnt
(AtomAnt) DELETED by AtomAnt
It could be a Christian campground.
It looks a little bit like hobo-sign - the first means 'talk religion, get food', the second looks similar to 'cops inactive', but the last one has no similarities to any hobo-sign that I've found, in fact it looks more like a Masons logo. Illuminati confirmed!