The online racing simulator
One of the most retarded turns in this game.
19th RTFR XL results



Race statistics / Event rating and other statistics (will be updated during the week)

After few less crowded races this one had average attendance once again,and that despite combo that some were describing as difficult or even danerous. Since we're just simracers,no actual danger involved except for possible wrist injuries due too strong FFB,sore behinds due bad seats or mental issues due... Well,that one you should figure yourself.

A relatively rare RTFR guest joined the XL event for the first time this tuesday and dominated it - Average Joe was almost 1.5s ahead in qualifying and finished the race with 7th largest margin of victory,but the win surely didn't came by itself - he still had to keep concentration for most of the race due chasers. Altsu missed the qualifying,so he had to start from the very rear of the grid,still raced through the field and could not reach just the leader - 2nd place and 5th top5 finish for the 2-time winner. 2nd visit in RTFR XL for Litro was more successful than previous one - he improved 12th position to 3rd this time. Defending winner and combo picker was able to follow the leader for most of the race until mistake in turn one - picnic in the gravel trap of turn one made him lose a lot of positions,he regained few and finished 4th setting fastest lap of the race in process - 3rd in his stats,also the top5 finish was his 3rd. Another newcomer Siadich finished 5th,which actually is 3 positions lower than his qualifying position.

In previous 18 events only one estionian has taken part,but he never finished the race. This time 2 estonians finished the race,both in top5.

Only T.Soini did not had any pitwork at all in his pitstop,that alone makes him Clock pitter of the race with his work free 10.6 seconds stop. There were few shorter pitstops though - Spiky filled some fuel during his 10.06s stop.

There's no doubt who wins this mention - starting last and finishing 2nd is mostly enough to become Field Rusher of the Race,like Altsu did it in this one.

The Honorable Mention goes to the only driver to pop a tyre and still finish the race - J.A.Katila. Despite heavy impact in wall and unrepaired damage he still limped to finish line to take 11th place. Could have been much better result today,but the experience will help to get better results in future.

The winner Average Joe said that he will submit his combo choice via PM here,he has still time until next tuesday for that,then we will find out what we will be racing in 4 weeks. But already next week the normal RTFR will return with some slick tyre racing cars,more info during this weekend!
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Combo for next race loaded in server Ronys Tuesdays Fun Race for testing purposes - since it's not a standart combination,possible laptimes have to be found out for distance calculation.
Combo is XRG at Autocross Hong Kong E-Prix (AU1)

Combo will stay until next RTFR race (scheduled for 24th july) will be set up.
Quote from Eclipsed :Combo will stay until next RTFR race (scheduled for 5th june) will be set up.

... and contact Dr. Emmet Brown for renting the Delorean to get you there Wink
Quote from Eclipsed :Combo for next race loaded in server Ronys Tuesdays Fun Race for testing purposes - since it's not a standart combination,possible laptimes have to be found out for distance calculation.
Combo is XRG at Autocross Hong Kong E-Prix (AU1)

Combo will stay until next RTFR race (scheduled for 24th july) will be set up.

Estimate sheet *will be updated as times roll

Predicted Pole laptime : 1:01.60
*Physical Best laptime (Mikke) : 1:01.94
Predicted 10th Place laptime : 1:03.00

Predicted mid-field laptime : 1:03.70
Predicted backmarker laptime : 1:05.8
Worst-possible laptime cutoff to participate : 1:07.0

Estimated laps for 1 hour (60 minutes) of racing
58 laps Non-inclusive of Pitstop
Estimated Top Race pace (Averaged Laptime) : 1:03.10

Possible incident areas at race start
Turns 3-4-5
Turn 10

Check your PM. This is refurbished EPrix with safety measures in SC2 and not-as-awkward grid positionings. No physical track changes, you can drop the layout right in with no problem.

Refer to attached below, cheers Smile
Attached files
AU1_eprix refurb.lyt - 16.5 KB - 522 views
And who won that race?
Oki mb, btw
"Predicted Pole laptime : 1:01.60" - i think its overextended xd
1.01.8x is barely impossible atleast for me. You are probably depending on tb's, but its impossible to get those 2 best sectors
at once.
Quote from Mikus1212 :Oki mb, btw
"Predicted Pole laptime : 1:01.60" - i think its overextended xd
1.01.8x is barely impossible atleast for me. You are probably depending on tb's, but its impossible to get those 2 best sectors
at once.

That's why its a pole predicted time Mik Tongue

If tb is possible, actual time is definitely possible.
20th RTFR XL info

A reminder - server will be password protected 1 hour before qualifying start to keep not knowing crowded server jumpers out of way,pass will be always the same: green

Pitting rules:

Race requires a minimum time spent in pitstall of 10 seconds. That can be done either with single pitstop or sum of multiple pitstops. Driver who has spent less time will receive penalty time added to his finish time,which will be calculated by tripling the missing time to complete neccesary minimum time and adding additional 5 seconds. Drivers failing to pit at all will receive 1 minute penalty added to finish time (10s*3 + additional 30s).

Some historic stats:
Last race won by: average joe
Last XRG race won by: 1st race using XRG
Last Autocross race won by: 1st race in Autocross environment
Current rating leader: RGˆRony (+23 points)
Event rating and other statistics

Server is up and running: Ronys Tuesdays Fun Race (feel free to spam the Airio top table with your laptimes)
Attached images
73 laps! Ooh, tasty. Like a proper touring car enduro event. Mmmmm
(MicroSpecV) DELETED by MicroSpecV
20th RTFR XL results



Race statistics / Event rating and other statistics (will be updated during the week)

AA™| spiky - receives 10 seconds penalty added to his finish time for pit exit line violation.
9397 - receives 10 seconds penalty added to his finish time for pit exit line violation.

- - - - - - - - - -

The tight track of Hong Kong E-Prix at Autocross environment had mixxed interest - some were very interested to race something different,some obviously not. But one thing was clear right from the start - race will be difficult,thus even more rewarding to high position finishers.

A driver with already 3 pole positions scored a 4th one yesterday - Mr.Mayonez was quickest in pre-event testing and also in qualifying,tying up with Altsu for most pole positions. But his race was short as he gave up and retired after incident in turn 1. So the 2nd best in qualifying had to take over race lead and he never gave it up until the chequered flag - Spiky celebrated his 1st win in RTFR XL,picking up his 1st fastest lap of the race too. It was only the 3rd finish for the slovakian here,previous best and only previous top5 effort was 3rd place in 11th RTFR XL. Rest of the finishers list consists from north europeans,mostly finns - 2nd place was taken by 9397,which is also his best achievement - 3 positions better than previous one. 1st time participant Unite finished 3rd,J.A.Katila scored his 6th top5 finish with 4th place finish and top5 was closed by Rony,collecting his 11th top5 finish.

This race scored few "lowest" achievements in current stats - it was the race with lowest distance,thus also the lowest average speed,barely exceeding 85km/h mark,also we had repeated lowest amount of finishers - 6. And also we had the lowest finishers percentage - only 6 from 11 starters completed full 50% of the race,which is 54.5%.

3 drivers stopped at pits without any pitwork,fastest of them was the newcomer Unite with 10.04 seconds.

Also the Field Rusher is the same newcomer - Unite started 10th and gained 7 positions during the race to get a podium finish.

The Honorable Mention goes to the driver who has started 20 RTFR XL races - T.Soini is the only one to start all races,failed to finish in one of them though. Just 6th place finish for him today,but he has collected already 5 top5 finishes (tied 2nd most),best being 3rd 2 races ago.

Next combo is still unknown,but from questions until now we might have another custom track for the next race,to be confirmed until next tuesday. But I can confirm another thing - RTFR XL will go to XL break this time,next race will be 6 weeks apart instead of traditional 4. This is due my vacation and the need to stretch the schedule so we have one race per month - with current race gaps,we would have 2 XL races in october and none in december.
But no XL gap until next normal RTFR race - it will be in next tuesday,using some slick tyre race cars,more details in the weekend.
Also 1st lines of 4th VERL season have been drawn - currently these are just calendar entries,more info will follow during next 4 weeks.
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What about the un-honorable mention? Jaroslav made l1-t1 happenings look like demo server racing. Didn't see him posting even a "sorry".
Pity this race turned out the way it turned out for me.

I was very excited to race this combo, especially because I love the HK E-Prix track (yeah I'm the rare Formula E fan) and XRG is my favourite slow class car. So a perfect combo for me. But at the same time I knew I shouldn't race as I had an exam in the morning the very next day and I didn't feel prepared.
In the end I gave it a go anyway. Had a qood qual. result and quite a good start off the line, but event in T1 dropped me to the very end of the field, and despite attempting to continue in the race half a lap down already, very soon I decided to retire and study instead...

Rony, I'd love to race on this layout with FBMs one day in the future, just a little suggestion if you don't mind.

Cheers to all who finished.
Quote from Eclipsed :...we might have another custom track for the next race...

Unless it's not another AU track... then it could be => Smile

Quote from Eclipsed :...1st lines of 4th VERL season have been drawn...

Quote from sermilan :

Unless it's not another AU track... then it could be => Smile

Cmon, you can handle one more Big grin
Spiky :wink
Combo for next race loaded in server Ronys Tuesdays Fun Race for testing purposes - since it's not a standart combination,possible laptimes have to be found out for distance calculation.
Combo is RB4 at Blackwood Industrial Eurus (BL2X)

Combo will stay until next RTFR race (scheduled for 11th september) will be set up.
16 months ago we had TBO event on my server on this track.

ps. Katila was fastest RB4 guy back then Smile

Hmm...19 started and 8 cars left after 31 min, what will be the finishing rate in the XL event Big grin
Sweet! Industrial Erebus. :o
Quote from MicroSpecV :Sweet! Industrial Erebus. :o

Nooo, don't confuse this with "God of Darkness and Shadow". Eurus has one chicane less and lower entry to long straight. Faster track.
21st RTFR XL info

A reminder - server will be password protected 1 hour before qualifying start to keep not knowing crowded server jumpers out of way,pass will be always the same: green

Pitting rules:

Race requires a minimum time spent in pitstall of 10 seconds. That can be done either with single pitstop or sum of multiple pitstops. Driver who has spent less time will receive penalty time added to his finish time,which will be calculated by tripling the missing time to complete neccesary minimum time and adding additional 5 seconds. Drivers failing to pit at all will receive 1 minute penalty added to finish time (10s*3 + additional 30s).

Some historic stats:
Last race won by: AA™| spiky
Last RB4 race won by: B2マ FasT (10th RTFR XL - SO Long Industrial Rev.)
Last Blackwood race won by: TEM/Y.Laprevotte (8th RTFR XL - FZR @ BL GP Track
Most Blackwood race wins: 2 races,2 different winners
Current rating leader: RGˆRony (+25 points)
Event rating and other statistics

Server is up and running: Ronys Tuesdays Fun Race (feel free to spam the Airio top table with your laptimes)
Attached images
21st RTFR XL results



Race statistics / Event rating and other statistics (will be updated during the week)

For the 2nd month in row the XL event featured a race in custom configuration using not a single meter from standart configurations. But this time track featured mostly public streets of Blackwood industrial area,rather than completely layed out in parking lot.

Fast was without doubt the fastest in this event - he set the best lap in both sessions,which were his 3rd pole position and fastest lap of the race,but in late stages of the race he was too fast in braking area for 90° turn,missing it,crashing into tyre wall,which flipped his car out of track. Spiky had no other choice but to take over lead and hold it until finish to become 4th driver to score back to back victories,1st since 9th RTFR XL,it was also his 3rd top 5 finish. J.A.Katila finished 13 seconds behind leader,which is 8th closest finish in RTFR XL history,upgrading his previous best finish by 1 position,7th top5 finish for him,2nd most in this chart. 3rd was Rejekt,10th was his only previous finish effort,4th was T.Soini,taking his 6th top5 finish,and top5 was closed by Rony,collecting 12th top5 finish.

The only fun fact this time is that for some reason I was not able to find a fact that could be classified as fun... Maybe someone else can?

There are no statistics how many one has been clock pitter,but T.Soini has done it more than most others,this time with 10.29 seconds long work free pitstop.

Rejekt was not the only driver to advance 6 positions between start and finish,but was the better one as he finished higher.

There was a driver who tried and tried in this race - he had some incidents,but telepitted and rejoined to keep racing without knowing that only single longest run counts. At the end he's classified in 8th position,just 6 laps over minimum distance to get classified.

This time the winner was much faster with decisions - next combo has already been picked and it will be a fast one. The relatively slow XFG car will be run for the 3rd time and this time in the LFS fastest configuration - Kyoto Oval. But almost 4 weeks until that race,between now and then Race Green Events will offer a total of 4 other races - already next week the next normal RTFR,featuring one of the slick cars,another 2 weeks later another normal RTFR,and also 2 rounds of V8 Racing League will be run,round 2 scheduled in 2nd next sunday.
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