Hi, all. I'll be posting my skins here. Take a look around and tell me what you think 
I've only got one skin for now, but I'll be working on more in the future.
[Replica] [XFG] Pennzoil JGTC

Download: http://www.mediafire.com/file/ulzbt1umnn2kf66/XFG+Pennzoil+1.0.1.zip
This is my replica of the JGTC Pennzoil R34 GT-R. Thanks to R4PTOR for skin mask.
UPDATE (26/4/2017): Added missing nismo.co.jp URL, credited R4PTOR in readme.

I've only got one skin for now, but I'll be working on more in the future.
[Replica] [XFG] Pennzoil JGTC

Download: http://www.mediafire.com/file/ulzbt1umnn2kf66/XFG+Pennzoil+1.0.1.zip
This is my replica of the JGTC Pennzoil R34 GT-R. Thanks to R4PTOR for skin mask.
UPDATE (26/4/2017): Added missing nismo.co.jp URL, credited R4PTOR in readme.