Ye, kinda that. Skinning in LFS is complicated at first, as the templates are taken from a Beamer/Projector (Which I'd like to be a 1:1 template with the car, no stretching no nothing) and they aren't 1:1 with the car, so there will be different areas where they will mismatch if you are trying to make a line across the car for example, or logos.
Wirekits also can help to see where the skinned part is and correct it on the skin. HQ WireKits: (they are 4096x4096, but you can resize them, or use the wireframe that already comes with the Skin Kits).
Mind that this needs time to get it right, so expect to have some patience getting used.
I might be wrong, but I read somewhere that you can add 1024 iirc to the skin's width to compensate it, but don't take my word in this one, but feel free to try it.
This explain the stretching I'm talking about: