Is Lapper have feature to make Cross-Server chat?
if yes then how to enable it
thank you!
if yes then how to enable it
thank you!
2/20/2018 5:29:50 PM -> The database file is locked
database is locked :
2/20/2018 5:29:50 PM
Lapper Instance abort!
The database file is locked
database is locked
bij LFSDbs.DbsAccess.executeNonQuery2(String _command)
bij LFSDbs.DbsAccess.executeNonQuery(String _command)
bij LFSDbs.storedDbs.updateRow2(String key, String value)
bij LFSDbs.storedDbs.updateRow(String key, String value)
bij LFSLapper.LFSClient.setstoredvalue(unionVal val, ArrayList args)
bij GLScript.GLApp.parseBackcall(SetOfVars GVAR, SetOfVars LVAR, unionVal val, ArrayList args)
bij GLScript.Parseur.getval(SetOfVars GVAR, SetOfVars LVAR, executeParsedFunction BC)
bij GLScript.GLApp.retrieveEvalVar(String funcName, TokenParse tkparse, TokenBuffer currTokenBuffer, SetOfVars GVAR, SetOfVars LVAR, Boolean breakFunc, Char& breakCar)
bij GLScript.GLApp.privExecuteTokensPart(Int32 level, String funcName, SetOfVars GCAR, SetOfVars LVAR, Boolean breakable, Boolean inSwitchCase, Int32 start, Int32 end)
bij GLScript.GLApp.privExecuteFunction(String funcName, String[] argsVals)
bij GLScript.GLApp.executeFunction(String funcName, String[] argsVals)
bij Configurator.lexConfigurator.executeFunction(String funcName, infoPlayer pcurrInfoPlayer, String[] par)
bij LFSLapper.LFSClient.managePacket(BTC btc)
bij LFSLapper.LFSClient.Loop(Connect insimConnection)
bij LFSLapper.LFSClient.doloop()
bij LapperInstances.LapperInstance.doConnection()
Int64 executeNonQuery2(System.String)
Closing Instance...
01: First textline error when type !chat <Text> again while chatwindow is opened.
02: When joining a another server, enter chatwindow and close it.
The textlines are still there while the background is gone. After Reentering the command and writing a another textmessage.
Everything is fine
Function: groupcmdlfs("");