Hello Lapperusers,
Couple of months ago, some players reported 1 big issue when using RegisterScheduledAction() and DelayedCommand() Lapperfuctions.
This version contains the fixes for them.
This version is tested is a few servers, and one of them is a cruiseserver, which is using many of these functions.
After couple of weeks running this testversion, we find this version stable enough for release.
Couple of months ago, some players reported 1 big issue when using RegisterScheduledAction() and DelayedCommand() Lapperfuctions.
This version contains the fixes for them.
This version is tested is a few servers, and one of them is a cruiseserver, which is using many of these functions.
After couple of weeks running this testversion, we find this version stable enough for release.
|Changes from to |
1:RegisterScheduledAction bug: Executed every second.
2:DelayedCommand: When out of sync with the current time, delayed command wont executed anymore. ( Old Bug)