Trouble getting VR working on my Lenovo explorer
Downloaded the demo version of LFS, no issue. When I try VR by ticking the 3D box and highlighting OpenVR and single screen, the output goes to the laptop in one window but not on the VR headset. When I move the VR headset, the laptop screen shows the movement but again, nothing shows on the VR headset. Any thought on how to get this working? I have a Lenovo explorer VR headset and a NVIDA 1060 6G video card running on i7 core so the hardware should not be an issue. It runs Assetta Corsa without issue.
Not a VR nor multiple screens user aswell, but just to see if it can work with small workarounds, what happens if :
- you use a single monitor or try to duplicate the display on the monitors instead of enlarging the desktop
- delete the file "card_cfg.txt" in your LFS folder as per notes on the Rift and start again LFS
** Best answer **
SOLVED! LFS was using the internal graphics card. Went into NVIDA panel and changed it so that it would use the NVIDA card. Works like a charm!!
enjoy LFS Thumbs up