All-wheel-drive Winter Series 2019
Round 3
Sunday,3rd February
19:00 UTC / 20:00 CET / 21:00 EET
The Winter 200 is next on the AWS this year's menu - the fastest possible AWD car/track combo,also the fastest way to complete 200 kilometer distance. In year 2014 S.Jurvansuu completed the distance in 43 minutes and 28.85 seconds which is still unbeaten performance. Of course he did not do this alone,that is the trait of this round - you're slower when driving alone,cooperation with competition is needed to finish this race in high position. As usually the qualifying system is different from other rounds,as in oval only hotlap qualifying shows truly the fastest driver. The running order of qualifying will be decided from Drivers Championship standings - lowest placed drivers will start qualifying while standings leader will take his run last. Everyone will have to run 3 laps - outlap and 2 timed hotlaps,after which driver should spectate,only fastest lap counts of course. 2nd timed lap is optional - theoretically cars are faster in 2nd lap,but in case of a mistake,driver can spectate without finishing 2nd timed lap.
As usual,to avoid many questions,Race Green Events' statement about bumpdrafting:
"With closed wheels cars it is not forbidden,but in case of any reported incidents it will be treated as intentional contact,so everyone has to make sure that he knows what he is doing!"
Current standings shows a trend in favour of one specific driver,but the question is if the top drivers from other rounds can perform as good in different racing? If someone wants to step up and take over the race for AWS championship,this round is where you want to start the chase! Also this will be the first from 2 back-to-back oval rounds for Oval Trophy - any oval junkies ready for challenge?
Round info:
Track: Kyoto Oval (KY1)
Laps: 67 (201km)
Car: FXR
Previous winners : B2マ FasT (2018), MTDZX-UM21 (2017), nsys|MareX (2016), RGˆM.Velikov (2015), 22 S.Jurvansuu (2014), S M.Kapal (2013), spdoReno (2012)
Server info and password will be PM'ed during saturday (european time) to all entrants,until then server remains publically accessible:
AWD Winter Series