The online racing simulator
Very Good.

The Fox theater is pretty close to what I had in mind, to put the architecture, stage, something on the car...

I think that is all of them, is anyone else even going to TRY to beat these? lol
Attached images
Tomorrow I am using the Adesa Skin created by nikopdr, so its only right to officially declare it as one of the 8 winners. I already sent nikopdr an LFS code.
Thanks! Already tried to respond via PM but you seemed to have that disabled Big grin

If the rest of my skins get picked for your events, would it be possible to have 2 more as vouchers and rest of them paid possibly via paypal? I am giving 2 of the vouchers away for friends but if I'm honest I am kinda low on cash and trying to get anything I can to help improve my current situation Big grin
Strange I never disabled my PMs...

Yes, I can split it up like that...
Thanks Again, all went well. I Knew I was doing something stupid... and I was.
They want me back again next month Smile