Additional information:
Mandatory pit stops: 0
75% limit: (minimum lap amount to get classified): 202 laps unless you're using lower skill level for AI's:
- For "QUICK"-skill: 197 laps
- For "OK"-skill: 189 laps
- For "LEARNER"-skill: 181 laps
- For "BEGINNER"-skill: 175 laps
Wind speed: At least 40km/h
Race type: Race has many special regulations. First of all, only AI-drivers are allowed to participate. Secondly, server will be protected with password for whole event. Also, for all drivers, one AI-driver has to use FXO GTR (FXR), another must use XR GTR (XRR) and third one must use FZ50 GTR (FZR) during event. All this is possible because maximum amount of AI-drivers per guest on server is 3.
Please note that as a new rule, FZ50 GTR now has 1% intake restriction as well 15kg added mass.
This race will be streamed on Twitch. Stream begins during Warm-Up and ends after race. https://www.twitch.tv/srtfinland
Minimum license: S2
Schedule (all times are in UTC+3):
- 15:20: Server will be password protected
- 15:25: Qualifying begins and lasts 80 minutes. Each AI-driver may only drive one stint during qualifying, and by meaning stint, it's just one outlap and two hotlaps. Next AI-driver may join as soon as the very previous one who joined begins lap 2.
Driving order will be determined by points scored after 1st race. This means that user, whose AI-driver has most points must drive first, then that one, who has second most points etc. After all drivers have been driven, we will check are there any AI's who are not found from that order list. If we find any AI's, those AI's will be then randomized to determine them driving order during qualifying. If it's likely, that all AI's don't have time to make lap time during qualifying, all remaining AI-drivers may join into the track for last 10 minutes of qualifying.
Driving order can be found here: http://srt-endu.eu/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/ClassicDrivers_AfterRound1.png
Because Devil's Deal has been enabled, points for this qualifying have been doubled (they've already doubled because this event has double points). AI-driver who gets a pole position earns 16 points. 2nd fastest AI during qualifying gets 8 points while 3rd fastest AI gets 4 points.
- 16:45: Qualifying ends and Warm-up/Briefing begins. During this session, make sure that you have your AI's on track and they're using right setups and have right amount of restrictions. Also at this moment, drivers will be guessing, which AI-skill level earns most points in race itself. At this moment, SRT's stream goes live on https://www.twitch.tv/srtfinland
- 17:00: Warm-Up/Briefing ends and Race begins. Race lasts 270 laps / 500 kilometers (approximately 3 hours and 30 minutes).
Because LFS 0.6U brought new improvements to AI's, drivers can use those as their advantage with no restrictions whatsoever.
If you want your AI-driver to make pitstop on certain lap, do this:
- If you're admin: Assign a Stop 'n' Go-penalty for that AI-driver by command /p_sg [AI-driver's name] before it starts it's last sector of the lap. During last sector, before (s)he goes into pitlane, clear that penalty by command /p_clear [AI-driver's name].
- If you're guest: Ask me to give a penalty for your AI-driver as assigning penalties even for own AI-drivers is only possible for admins. Please inform me, that which AI-driver you want to go into pitlane and on which lap.
There is also possibility to give Drive-Through-penalty for your own AI-driver, if you have a faster AI-driver behind him/her. If you want your AI-driver to go into pitlane, but not for pitstop, you need to do pretty much the same thing that you do, when you want your AI-driver to make a pitstop on certain lap via Stop 'n' Go-penalty. There are two differences though:
1) You don't need to remove/clear that penalty on last sector (clearing that penalty - as long as that AI-driver is on it's last sector of the lap - does not make any harm though)
2) If you're admin: you need to type /p_dt [AI-driver's name] to assign Drive-Through-penalty instead of typing /p_sg [AI-driver's name].
As a new rule for this season, you are allowed to rescue your AI-driver if it's stuck (not flipped). As this is first race during this season, you get 10 rescue chances for whole season. However, rescuing must be done via Autocross-objects and if you force other user's AI to retire because of that, that "rescued" AI will be immediately disqualified.
Due to this track being oval, car reset is allowed at all times. However, rejoining via spectators/pitlane is allowed until race leader begins lap 69. And I swear, that lap amount was not decided on purpose! Anyway, after that, it's not allowed to rejoin via spectators/pitlane. This however does not apply to other lower level difficulties. Those AI's can rejoin until:
- For "QUICK"-skill: 73 laps
- For "OK"-skill: 81 laps
- For "LEARNER"-skill: 89 laps
- For "BEGINNER"-skill: 95 laps
- 20:30 (approx.): Race ends. Drivers who are in top-3 in terms of fastest laps and are classified will get points. Driver who drives fastest lap and gets classified will earn 8 points. 2nd fastest driver gets 4 points while 3rd fastest driver gets 2 points. Also, drivers who are in top-3 in terms of highest speed velocity will get points. Driver who has highest speed velocity gets 8 points, driver who has 2nd highest speed velocity gets 4 points while 3rd fastest driver gets 2 points.
And drivers who guessed right that which skill level gets most points during race earn points. Naturally, the more slower skill leveled AI you guessed, the more points you get if that AI earns most points.