We've come across this a few times, which was noticed as it caused issues with the Simbroadcasts results overlay.
If a player leaves (Shift+S or disconnect) after finishing a race, but before the IS_RES packet is sent, the PLID in IS_RES is still the old, no-longer valid, PLID.
This is presumably a bug, as the documentation in insim.txt says:
Replay download (again, the same OEC replay as the other threads)
Compressed log: (more complete log attached)
If a player leaves (Shift+S or disconnect) after finishing a race, but before the IS_RES packet is sent, the PLID in IS_RES is still the old, no-longer valid, PLID.
This is presumably a bug, as the documentation in insim.txt says:
byte PLID; // player's unique id (0 = player left before result was sent)
Replay download (again, the same OEC replay as the other threads)
Compressed log: (more complete log attached)
2020-07-18 11:06:20.403 UTC Finished: PLID 5 TotalTime: 02:55:24.440 BestLap: 03:06.210 L 54 P 2
2020-07-18 11:07:44.963 UTC PlayerLeave: PLID 5
2020-07-18 11:08:54.553 UTC ResultConfirmed: PLID 5 does not exist