The online racing simulator
BL1Y Lost in Blackwood Estate (LiBE)
Layout originally used on my Sin'rs server...

Course is approx. 2.45 miles / 3,950 meters.

Some times have already been set...

Good luck if you do decide to try set a time Thumbs up

EDIT: Added layout
Attached images
BL1Y LiBE.png
BL1Y LiBE Some top times per car 21 July 2020 small.png
Attached files
BL1Y_^7Lost in Blackwood Estate.lyt - 17.2 KB - 143 views
Video of 1st iteration of the layout...

Slight changes to street furniture, but route is same.
Nice one but why would you put speed bumps on a race track? Looking
Because it's an Industrial Estate, not a race track Cool

And the route also has pedestrian crossings, cellular masts and a speed camera, which are other things that you would likely find in any Industrial Estate.
Race layout then, whatever..

When did you see any race event where organizers would put speed bumps on the road to make racers slow down because there might be pedestrians crossing? Big grin

It's just really annoying with ffb wheel Smile
Top Times and Drift Scores after over 40 completed timed sessions ...

Attached images
LFS LiBE Top times and drift scores 30 July 2020.png
nice designed layout.
Only the Blackwood curbs are awefull Tongue

My teammate and i did some laps on it.
Some times are easily to beat.

Attached images
sinrs server#1.PNG
Nice track
Fastest laps per car, along with top Drift scores, after 93 recorded laps ...

Server has now been closed, so these times and scores will remain unbeaten!
Attached images
Top Times and Drift Scores after 93 recorded laps.png