The online racing simulator
BF1 League - 5th Round - Pre-Qualifying and qualified drivers
Hello Racers,

the following drivers are already qualified for the 5th Round of BF1 League:
#77 Krystian Sanocki
#17 Aleksi Lamerto
#2 Zdravko Topolnjak
#89 Sean Lee
#96 Rony Kronpušs
#45 Rando Muru
#16 Emre Kaan Sivri
#32 Heikki Hytönen
#25 Ayoub Elhannouni
#51 Lucas Finco

All others have to pre-qualify. For this you have to set on time on [MRc] BF1 League Server. The TOP 27 registered drivers from the !top list will be qualified for the race, when they are within 107% from the best server time.

If you will not participate on 4th round please post it in this thread.

The Pre-Qualifying will end on Saturday, 23.01.2021, 23:59 UTC.
Attached files
Round 5 - Pre-Qualifying.pdf - 401.6 KB - 138 views
Pre-QU is ending today at 23:59 UTC, don´t forget to set an time on BF1 League server and confirm your attendance.