GT2 Challenge 2021: Round 6 - Protests and Penalties
Please provide the following in your protest:

Session AND SERVER of Incident (Official Sessions for Round 6: Pre Qualifying, Free Practice, Qualifying, Race; Servers: Main)
Lap AND MPR timecode of incident (or session time or UTC Time of Day)
Car(s) involved
Location of Incident
Brief Description of Incident

Pre-Qualifying Protests are due by 20:20 UTC on Saturday, 20 March 2021. Pre-Qualifying Protests should be lodged as soon as possible after the incident, however.

All race day protests are due by 08:30 UTC on Tuesday, 23 March 2021.

Track Map

Penalty Log

Free Practice


Car 88 - DQ from the race - unsafe driving with damaged car
Warning to following cars for speeding during VSC: 22, 30, 64, 71, 87, 93, 99
5 sec time penalty to following car for speeding during VSC: 50
30 sec time penalty to following car for speeding during VSC: 56
Race, Main server
Lap 28 ; MPR 1:21:46.97
Car(s) involved: 88, 64, 98 and others
Location of Incident: Turn 7 onwards
Brief Description of Incident: Car 88 after getting flat tire didn't make way for racing cars. He decided to block the cars, causing massive chaos and creating dangerous sitiations in the process.
Quote from texxxas :Race, Main server
Lap 28 ; MPR 1:21:46.97
Car(s) involved: 88, 64, 98 and others
Location of Incident: Turn 7 onwards
Brief Description of Incident: Car 88 after getting flat tire didn't make way for racing cars. He decided to block the cars, causing massive chaos and creating dangerous sitiations in the process.

Car 88 - Disqualified from the race.

Stewards took a closer look at whole 88's final lap and found violation of NDR Sporting Code at XIV. 4. Driving a damaged car in ares in between turns 7 -9, and 21 -24. Further explanation on request.

Head Steward of Round 6 GT2C 2021 decided, based on agreement with other stewards of this round, to pass this case to NDR board for further investigation. NDR board recived my report and will decide in the near future.

Stewards also decided:

VSC procedure

Warning to following cars for speeding during VSC: 22, 30, 64, 71, 87, 93, 99

5 sec time penalty to following car for speeding during VSC: 50

30 sec time penalty to following car for speeding during VSC: 56
This thread is closed