Short Track Auto Racing League
Round 2

Sunday,27th June
17:30 UTC / 19:30 CET* / 20:30 EET*
* Summer time
Round 2
Sunday,27th June
17:30 UTC / 19:30 CET* / 20:30 EET*
* Summer time
The middle round brings the shortest,the richest with turns and also the slowest track of this 3 round series schedule - Lake Extended custom configuration at Rockingham,run in reversed (anti clockwise) direction. Most of the turns are left handed,but it's the lone long righthanded turn that could make a difference between good and great laptimes. There has not been a single race using this circuit,so we can only assume it might be difficult to pass here,so qualifying session is a tick more important.
First round showed few drivers who are better than the rest and have better chances of season long success than the rest,but can they addapt to a completely unknown track? Drivers championship of course is tight after just 1 round,but so is teams championship - this round will bring more clarity what's possible in season finale.
Round info:
Track: Rockingham Lake Extended Reversed
Laps: 77
Previous winners: GenR uNite (2020), R. Kardol (2019)
Server info and password will be PM'ed saturday to all entrants,until then server remains publically accessible:

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