Full event information and rules
RTFR 2021 sponsorship and prize info
Livestream at SimBroadcasts.tv
Stream starts 18:50 UTC
A reminder - server will be password protected 1 hour before qualifying start to keep not knowing crowded server jumpers out of way,pass will be always the same: green
Pitting rules:
Race requires a minimum time spent in pitstall of 10 seconds. That can be done either with single pitstop or sum of multiple pitstops. Driver who has spent less time will receive penalty time added to his finish time,which will be calculated by tripling the missing time to complete neccesary minimum time and adding additional 5 seconds. Drivers failing to pit at all will receive 1 minute penalty added to finish time (10s*3 + additional 30s).
Important - to avoid incidents,drivers have to join pitlane before entry of last oval turn! Failing to do so will reward with 10s post race penalty,more if it leads to an incident.
Some historic stats:
Last race won by: S1DUS*GáboR
Last FO8 race won by: B2マ Upsas (41st RTFR XL - AS North Reversed)
Most FO8 race wins: 3 races,3 different winners (2 different countries)
Last Kyoto race won by: S1DUS*uNite (55th RTFR XL - XFG @ KY GP Long)
Most Kyoto race wins: S1DUS*R.Kardol - 2 wins (Finland - 3 wins)
Current rating leader: S1DUS*R.Kardol (+35 points)
2021 standings after 8 of 12 races:
S1DUS*R.Kardol - 188
S1DUS*uNite - 170
[WCL] True Alpha - 155
Event rating and other statistics
Server link: Ronys Tuesdays Fun Race

Race Green Discord: https://discord.gg/E37R5vD