Every Friday at 8 PM GMT the [MG] server turns into a Cops & Robbers server, and although it's quite popular, i thought i'd do a shameless plug, and also i thought i might put the rules here as theres always someone that doesnt read them! The server will be pw'ed, and the pw will be at the bottom, so no-one has an excuse not to read the rules! the server may be renamed to "[MG] Cops and Robbers"
okay... well if you werent here during S1, it was kinda large; then a while before S2 came out, like no one did it or hosted or anything, and it hasn't been until recently really that people are getting back into it, don used to hold like really big CnR events and stuff, but it ended
i've seen some people online hold CnR, but .. rarely does anyone follow rules and it kinda sucks
neither have my friends or some of the [MG] team! So i suppose plugging on the forum DOES work!
Anyway, after most of us got infuriated with racers joining, then not reading the rules, the server will be pw'ed, and the pw will be at the end of the rules!
ERM hello *waves* i am site too
I have looked for the stat coding but cant find it as its all in a mess (ollie's fault). when i do find it (il look again), il try to sort it! ok
Nah i aint the coding, its most likely the team server name is wrong... so i believe from what ollie has described to me
Thanks for the help but i think i can do it (when i get round to it)
Was a great game until n00bs joined , next time lets password the server and put pass on here and MG forum , then they cant join
And the link to the server is wrong (the url)... but i am going to remove that... if i can be bothered lol. working on other pages at moment, which i have not got alot of time for as i am going away this week (thursday) to HOLLAND (girlfriend )
I might join it later but Jak, what the fux0r is your avatar all about lol. I even opened it and looked at each slide on it's own and i'm still not getting much of the middle part.
Someone is getting their head chopped off anyway, then I see a goat or sheep or something, but I dunno what it's all about, please...explain.