The online racing simulator
(11 posts, started )
#1 - Tejdz
Vehicle mod: TSR500
Details page:

Quote :insanely fast 90s race bike. 500cc 2 stroke V4 with 195BHP

Quote :MotoGP class 80s/90s 500cc 2 stroke. equivalent of a 1000cc 4 stroke bike.

#2 - BeNoM
Good fun, but very temperamental under braking.
how to download it
I wonder about the wobbles, the bike is fantastically made, a real treat but frustrating wobbles cause it to be very frustrating, it almost feels like engine inertia is too high causing rear locking in almost every circumstance when off throttle.

Maybe add in the setup the ability to adjust engine braking [like in real life], I wonder then if its possible to ride this bike at the absolute limit.
#5 - Tejdz
Quote from BlueFlame :I wonder about the wobbles, the bike is fantastically made, a real treat but frustrating wobbles cause it to be very frustrating, it almost feels like engine inertia is too high causing rear locking in almost every circumstance when off throttle.

Maybe add in the setup the ability to adjust engine braking [like in real life], I wonder then if its possible to ride this bike at the absolute limit.

i spent so many hours trying to get rid of the wobble and came to the conclusion that the current bike physics of LFS is the problem. whenever u go above 250kpg or something things get very unstable.
idk how i would make engine braking adjustable but at the same time you can just change brake distribution more to the front to counteract the engine braking force.
Quote from Tejdz :
idk how i would make engine braking adjustable but at the same time you can just change brake distribution more to the front to counteract the engine braking force.

It can be done, I saw it on a few mods already. But sadly I don't know how to enable it. @Nikopdr may know.
Quote from BlueFlame :It can be done, I saw it on a few mods already. But sadly I don't know how to enable it. @Nikopdr may know.

Yeah it's possible to change that for bikes too, in Transmission / Audio tab, altough it is only engine brake reduction Big grin
how do i download a mod?
Quote from 147pistero :how do i download a mod?

You need an S3 license to use mods. Then you can select mods in the in-game Mods browser.
Hey Tejdz, I have been absolutely loving this bike. I've put hundreds and hundreds of miles on it. I made a set for it that's pretty stable and I've been having a lot of fun! I know that the set I made has been floating around to other TSR500 enthusiasts and they've been enjoying the bike as well. Are you going to make any updates to this bike as in simple gauges and mirrors? Even just simple gauges would be awesome. Thank you for this fun bike!

You might get a kick out of this video of me outrunning the 500hp "God Foot" on the TSR500. I pushed the bike to the absolute limit on this run!
In order to support this Mod creator and because I actually put some work into almost all of his Bikes I just started recording Videos to show the Performance these Bikes are capable of.

I guess the goal of these 2 Stroke Bikes was getting as many Classes and sizes as possible and make bike races come to reality.

So I went a step further and made some of these bikes definately raceworthy.

They were so much fun since I was done with these basic setups..., I want to race them so bad that I have to do this for the Mod creator.

I have to say they are quite underrated by the Community and deserve alot more attention and maybe some love in terms of Skin polish/appearance. (5 clicks on this Mod on the Forums as I just create this, are a Joke for what this Vehicle can offer us)

The Setup which is running on each of the Videos will be added in each Comment section of each Bike that im through with. Special note here: The Video is made with cold tyres! One warmup lap and one Hotlap. So even if it already looks damn quick, in fact im actually overly cautious here. This thing is able to do alot more.

Goal is to make Bike Races finaly happening. So every Setup also works perfectly with Automatic Gearbox and the Steering is optimized for easy to use Plug & Play Gamepads (Ps4 or Ps5 work fine for example).

On this one I did BL1 GP and I think the setup is almost perfect.

In my opinion the TSR500 is the best and most stable bike mod of em all atm.

Most rediculous Highspeed Wobble without crash in the Video Big grin
Attached files
E35D8E_TSR BL GP.set - 132 B - 216 views

(11 posts, started )