The online racing simulator
TEST Patch U10 (now U11) optional and compatible with U
Hello Racers.

We are now at Test Patch U10 after a lot of community testing and various requests from U7 to U9.

NOTE : You do not need this Optional TEST Patch, unless you have Windows Vista or you want to try the other improvements in the patch. It's fully compatible (hotlaps and online) with the current version U. It is easy to install, just replace your LFS.exe with the new LFS.exe in the zip file.

One interesting improvement is that file associations now work. That means if you set SPR and MPR files to be opened with LFS, then you can run any MPR or SPR (replays) from any location (including a website) just by double clicking it. You can also associate SET and LYT files with LFS and then double clicking any setup or layout will copy it to the relevant folder.

How to set up file associations (Windows XP example) :

> Right click an SPR file
> Select "Properties"
> Click the "Change..." button beside "Opens with:"
> Browse for and select LFS.exe in your main LFS folder
> Do the same again with MPR, SET and LYT

Then you can run any replay just by double clicking it.

Another useful feature is the new Super Fast Start
Options... Misc... "Intro and exit screen" select [skip]
Then no track will be loaded when you run LFS.

WARNING : your controls will not be correctly assigned due to the new way the controls are stored in a special file in the data\misc folder. There is a default file included for the Red Momo and the Microsoft FF Wheel so they should be reasonably set up if you have one of those. Maybe the DFP will have a reasonable setup as well as the default axes are basically Logitech style. Let me know.

NOTE 2 : The Views system is not finished. I plan to implement multiple views as requested in the U7-U9 thread.

NOTE 3 : The /run command (batch / script / command file whatever you call it) has not been done yet. That is planned for U11. But there are so many changes in U10 that it should be tested now, giving me a couple more days for the missing features (NOTE 2 and NOTE 3).

NOTE 4 : You cannot use a shifter on a single seater car. If you have a shifter, LFS automatically sets to sequential when you select a single seater. There are two separate versions of these three settings (one for sequential and one for shifter) : AutoClutch, GCCut, GCBlip. That's because a lot of people may wish to use auto clutch with their paddle shift and manual clutch with their shifter.
[ EDIT : more info - ]

Changes from U to U9 :

Skip intro option is now very fast (avoids loading track)
LFS can now handle SPR / MPR / SET file associations
Unlocking S2 automatically sets LFS to skip intro
Custom views are now stored in data\views folder
Custom view settings are now separate for all cars
Draw driver / wheel option added to custom views
RCM now has priority over race finished messages
Welcome / Tracks filename length increased to 31 chars
Scroll bar added if more than 7 players in list of players
New select view command : /view=fol/heli/cam/driver/custom
New command for force strength : /ff=0 to /ff=200

FIX : Rare crash in blue flags calculation
FIX : Driver's body optimisation was too sensitive
FIX : Unlocking LFS now works on Windows Vista
FIX : Formula dash live settings now work in custom view
FIX : OutGauge now works on remote cars / MPR / external

Changes in TEST PATCH U10 :

SHIFT+S when spectating now goes to garage
Single seater car shadows now visible in custom views
Clicking join with no car selected goes to select car screen
Garage when not in race now shows spectate and join buttons
Start new game with no track selected goes to select track
Game setup screen : ENTER key - joins race / sets ready
Separate shift help settings for sequential and shifter
Sequential shift automatically used for single seaters
Axis, button and key assignments stored in .con files
Maximum value reached marker added to virtual pedals
Cleaner replay start - avoiding flashing entry screen
Separate mirror offset for custom and internal views
Internal mirror offset limit increased to 400 mm
Realistic speedometer based on drive shaft speed
Added layout files (LYT) to file associations
Added rename function for setups

FIX : Changes were lost when selecting in car / custom views
FIX : Clutch pedal was not shown in controls setup screen


[ EDIT : Now changed to U11 to fix the black screen bug ]
They keep coming this week.
It's said many times before, but I want to thank you (and offcourse Victor and Eric) for all the hard work you put into this great game.
many thanks, Scawen! I love the speedo, especially on the gravel and in jumps!
Many, many thanks devs
separate custom views for each car....

thank you!
Ehm, I had "into" set to "skip", and now every time I want to go for single player, I have to select the track, place AIs. That's inconvenient for thoe who prefer signle player mode.
Everything still working fine here?
U10 works on a pad

Had to reassign the controls, but the new system with the gearbox types works
Quote from detail :Ehm, I had "into" set to "skip", and now every time I want to go for single player, I have to select the track, place AIs. That's inconvenient for thoe who prefer signle player mode.

Then don't skip the intro...
Quote from detail :Ehm, I had "into" set to "skip", and now every time I want to go for single player, I have to select the track, place AIs. That's inconvenient for thoe who prefer signle player mode.

OK... anyone who prefers single player mode shouldn't skip intro for that reason.

Remember you can press SPACE to skip the intro anyway.

Eventually we will have much better ways to set up AI drivers, such as save the grid, etc. Then it won't be a problem.
Slight problem, im gettiing a black screen when joining a server..

the games still rinning ( i can hear the other players cars) buts its a pitch black screen
Here is my proposal for the Driving Force Pro default setting. Please tell me what you think about it.
Attached images
Attached files - 324 B - 382 views
Quote from Scawen :Maximum value reached marker added to virtual pedals

LOL you did it!! ThanxU very much!! :static:
Quote from richo :Slight problem, im gettiing a black screen when joining a server..

the games still rinning ( i can hear the other players cars) buts its a pitch black screen

I've just added that known issue to the first post. The good news is there is a workaround :

Quote from Scawen :BUG : If you start LFS in full screen, then go to window, then go back to full screen, you will have a plain black screen.
WORKAROUND : Make sure you exit LFS in windowed mode. So it will start up in a window and you won't get the problem.
THE FIX : I should be able to sort this bug out for U11.

To be clear : If LFS starts up in a window then you can go to full screen and back to window as many times as you like. But if you start in full screen then this bug appears,
Quote from GP4Flo :Here is my proposal for the Driving Force Pro default setting. Please tell me what you think about it.

I can't look at this right now as i'm But I'll check it out when I get home. If the community can come up with a good default for that wheel it should definitely be included in the next patch. Default configs for different wheels has been suggested several times.
sweet changes, going to test now
btw. Im still having a black screen (in U9) when switch to windowed mode and resizing the window. Had this ever since anyways.

/me goes to test the new patch now...
wewt, scawen, you're a good man!
Quote from ORION :Had this ever since anyways.

Ever since when?

It's mysterious, this one. It happened the other day in one of the test patches so I undid something I had done and the bug went. But now it has come back from the dead, even though I did not change that part of the code again.

At least I can reproduce it so I should be able to fix it.
I just wanted to say thank you for all your work too

It's the second time since january 2004 that I had no unlocks left. Just a short mail was enough and I got an additional unlock.

Thanks a lot , that's what I call support !


Hmm dont remember, at least it showed up every now and then, just like devil's "car flickering on the track"-bug. Only difference is the black screen bug is still there

However, you should put a small warning that the new patch might erase all your controller (button) bindings. How Im confused there the Horn and where the clutch was

Scawen, maybe the actual bug is placed somewhere else, and those changes just made it more likely. Im wondering if there is some sort of "reinitialize graphics" key combo. (wasn't there one a while ago?)
Thanks Scaven. I saw new option to translation of type (Rename etc.), but I do not see this in LFS Translator.
I only had to change clutch from axis to button, as DFP dont have 3 pedals.
Options for each player/gearbox type (AutoClutch, GCCut, GCBlip) are great.
THX for the patch

About views in U11: I suggested 4 hardcoded but in fact I dont like "fol" view at all, is any chance to have all view listed with checkbox allowing this view in V-key cycle? I mean, if I dont check fol view, it wont be in V-key cycling view and I can access it only thru /view=fol
And what about /view=custom if there was 5 custom views? I suggest allow /view={name of my view here} so I can access specific view thru Fkeys bind or external progs.
Great work Scawen.

One thing to fine tune the dials. Please make it little bit smoother/delayed. The algorithm from steering smoothing should be the best.

Second thing I hope useful for all analog pad users. Is it possible to lower min wheel turn to 90 degrees? It will gave more non linearity for steering and make life little bit simpler for pad users. Pad sticks don;t have 180* of movement, and before introducing wheel turn option we were able to set up more non linearity than now.
#24 - Jakg
Realistic speedometer based on drive shaft speed

me like!
Thanks for the rename function for setups.

Great Work again. :bowdown:
This thread is closed