The online racing simulator
LFS Companion v4.3.3
- Re-worked RPM Meter button design.
- InSim buttons related to the vehicle now have an engine state.
- Re-worked left click behaviour for ButtonClicks. The children of a button can also be selected, i.e. the title.
- Re-worked right click behaviour for ButtonClicks. The children of a button can also be clicked to toggle the button, i.e. the title.
- Improved api checks as it can crash when the service is unavailable.
- Fixed version comparing incorrectly.
- Fixed version parsing in updater and insim.

Unfortunately, for versions earlier than v4.3.3. You might have to manually download the AutoUpdater and run that.
This won't be an issue in the future.

Download LFS Companion v4.3.3

Download AutoUpdater v1.0.2
Would be great if the addon also showed split times.
While running the AutoUpdater folder through VirusTotal, Zillya flags it as Trojan.Evilnum.Win32.556.

Perhaps a false positive but just wanted to let you know.
Quote from zeeaq :Would be great if the addon also showed split times.

I've been working on laptimes and split times for a next update.

Quote from zeeaq :While running the AutoUpdater folder through VirusTotal, Zillya flags it as Trojan.Evilnum.Win32.556.

Perhaps a false positive but just wanted to let you know.

Yeah definitely a false-positive. Its likely its because the AutoUpdater deletes the LFS Companion, and then downloads it again when there's a new update.
Thanks. The new RPM meter looks great!
LFS Companion v4.3.4
- Re-worked RPM Meter button design.
- InSim buttons related to the vehicle now have an engine state.
- Re-worked left click behaviour for ButtonClicks. The children of a button can also be selected, i.e. the title.
- Re-worked right click behaviour for ButtonClicks. The children of a button can also be clicked to toggle the button, i.e. the title.
- Improved api checks as it can crash when the service is unavailable.
- Removed cooldown for SHIFT+B.
- Fixed vehicle properties not loading properly.
- Added laptime tracking and comparison from last laptime.
- Added average speed per lap.
LFS Companion v4.4.1
- Customize UI: Multiple buttons can now be selected.
- Customize UI: You can press the key C to deselect all the buttons.
- Customize UI: Added Average Fuel value to a button.
- Customize UI: Arrow keys can now be used to move/resize buttons.
- Customize UI: Added a help menu that shows a list of shortcuts.
- Add: Hotkey implementation.
- Add: Strobe implementation.
- Add: Toggle strobe with PageDown.
- Add: Toggle siren with PageUp.
Attached files - 1.8 MB - 490 views
#59 - cuni
Hey, great job developing this tool.
Small note, make sure to keep your original post updated with the latest version. Hard a hard time figuring out which post should I download, downloaded the latest one but was not working. Just keep the original post with the full latest version, less back and forth.

It seems that the average fuel consumption stops calculating sometimes, don't know how you are counting the distance, but it seems that going out of bounds(cruise) interferes with it.
Can you add instant(250ms update) fuel consumption in litres/100 Km ? similar to this old cars displays
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Quote from cuni :Small note, make sure to keep your original post updated with the latest version. Hard a hard time figuring out which post should I download, downloaded the latest one but was not working. Just keep the original post with the full latest version, less back and forth.

That is a great point, I will keep the original post updated at all times.

Quote from cuni :It seems that the average fuel consumption stops calculating sometimes, don't know how you are counting the distance, but it seems that going out of bounds(cruise) interferes with it.
Can you add instant(250ms update) fuel consumption in litres/100 Km ? similar to this old cars displays

Ah yeah. It doesn't update as often as real cars irl does. Currently its set to updating every 250 meters. So if you drive 20 kmh, it would longer for it to update.

I've decreased it from 250 meters to 50 meters. That should do the trick.
LFS Companion v4.4.2
- UI Templates implementation.
- Add: Window to list all templates.
- Add: Window to manage each template.
- Add: Window to add a new template.
- Fix: Increased template limit from 3 to 5.
- Fix: You can now include colors in the template name.
- Fix: Decreased avg. fuel update length to 50 meters.
- Fix: Average fuel consumption now supports L/100 km and miles per gallon
- Fix: Local insim messages are no longer being logged.

Download LFS Companion v4.4.2
I just tried the programme for the first time. I think the fuel consumption data shows instant consumption, not average. Because it resets when you release the throttle. You need to add the average consumption feature separately.
Quote from seksen :I just tried the programme for the first time. I think the fuel consumption data shows instant consumption, not average. Because it resets when you release the throttle. You need to add the average consumption feature separately.

Good point.

I'll probably just keep one type of fuel consumption, and that will be average.
#64 - cuni
The link provided on the first post is just the update from 4.4 to 4.4.2, not the full package containing all the necessary files. Also, forgot to update the text to 4.4.2 Tongue
Quote from cuni :The link provided on the first post is just the update from 4.4 to 4.4.2, not the full package containing all the necessary files. Also, forgot to update the text to 4.4.2 Tongue

The download link to the insim provided in the 1st post is not an update, its all you really need to get yourself set up. It generates the necessary files and downloads the auto updater upon starting up.

I fixed the text though.
LFS Companion v4.4.3
- Renamed Avg. Fuel to Fuel Consumption.
- Fuel Consumption is updated every second (1000ms) instead of updating every 250 meters driven.

Download LFS Companion v4.4.3
(zeeaq) DELETED by zeeaq : wrong thread
v4.4.5 (30/11/2023)

Features (5 additions)
- Car Contact: Implementation
- Car Contact: Browse data in the messages panel
- Car Contact: Setting to toggle car contact messages. This setting will only toggle the message. All car contact incidents are still logged
- Template: Import
- Template: Export

Improvements (3 changes)
- Messages Panel: Data were inconsistent with page number
- Re-worked the way PlayerMessages, GlobalMessages and CarContact data is fetched to insim lists
- Template: Can now be renamed in: Customize UI > Templates > Manage Template > Click the template name

Download LFS Companion v4.4.5
Will the average fuel consumption feature be added in the future?
Quote from seksen :Will the average fuel consumption feature be added in the future?

#70 - cuni
Whilst auto updating, got the access to the path error. Ran with admin rights, still the same.
The lfs interface to accept update works good

Also, is there a way to edit the position of the edit window? gets in the way....
Attached images
Quote from cuni :Whilst auto updating, got the access to the path error. Ran with admin rights, still the same.
The lfs interface to accept update works good

*sigh* Dead banana

Could you check if it has generated an error message in the logs?

I set up that same version on my end to test the updating process and everything appears to be working just fine here. It did successfully update to 4.4.5 without any issues.

Could you try and right click on the LFS Companion.exe and run as administrator and then try the updating process again?

Worst case scenario - you could keep the insim closed and click on the AutoUpdate.exe in the same directory, which will attempt to force-update the insim.
#73 - cuni
Quote from kristofferandersen :*sigh* Dead banana

Could you check if it has generated an error message in the logs?

File attached

Regarding the auto update, ended up by manually downloading the new version and replaced exe...sorry.
Attached files
error.txt - 6.1 KB - 107 views
Quote from cuni :Also, is there a way to edit the position of the edit window? gets in the way....

Yes, you can click on Customize UI in that menu and then that same button will change the text to [click to edit], click it once and you will be able to change the position.
#75 - cuni
Yup, all good now.

Next update I'll let you know if the same error happens.

This error happened while I was already connected to a server, opened insim port, and started the program. Did not test any other configuration (except run with admin)