War propaganda through mods
(12 posts, closed, started )
War propaganda through mods
LPR is Russian supported seperatist region in the territory of Ukraine. User added its "flag" and abbreviation on the right side of front license plate. Essentially doing covert Russian war propaganda.

GM_SST_ADAL 1600 (version: 1)

Submitted by: R-to
Details page: https://www.lfs.net/files/vehmods/F1FEE3

I would just report this silently but wanted everyone to see what some people are doing.
Not sure why it cut the exact part I mentioned but link is there anyway.
Quote :LPR is Russian supported seperatist region in the territory of Ukraine. User added its "flag" and abbreviation on the right side of front license plate. Essentially doing covert Russian war propaganda.

Why would you write something like that if you don't understand the real situation?

A) Games should be outside politics
B) How can the FLAG of a certain republic offend someone?
C) My relatives living in Donetsk have been subjected to constant artillery shelling for 8 years. My cousin died. Please check the information before writing such things.

Peace to all, **** the war.
Quote from HighSpeedGarage :Why would you write something like that if you don't understand the real situation?

A) Games should be outside politics
B) How can the FLAG of a certain republic offend someone?
C) My relatives living in Donetsk have been subjected to constant artillery shelling for 8 years. My cousin died. Please check the information before writing such things.

Peace to all, **** the war.

LPR is a Lugansk Ukrainian region occupied and controlled by russian terrorists
You are a typical russian believing the russian propaganda

Donetsk has been occupied too and has been over massive propaganda all these years. But you can just look at the Google photos of the Donetsk city and you can see that nothing was bombed until now when russia started a war 2 months ago. Mariupol is a completely destroyed city in the Donetsk region with a population of 400.000 people, completely wiped out for these two months by russian rockets and army for what?
Attached images
Quote from HighSpeedGarage :Why would you write something like that if you don't understand the real situation?

A) Games should be outside politics
B) How can the FLAG of a certain republic offend someone?
C) My relatives living in Donetsk have been subjected to constant artillery shelling for 8 years. My cousin died. Please check the information before writing such things.

Peace to all, **** the war.

Your point A disagrees with your point B and C. (And C is basic Russian propaganda)
Quote from nexttime :Your point A disagrees with your point B and C. (And C is basic Russian propaganda)

Damn, I am thankful for you and for all the people who understand the real situation
Quote from nexttime :Your point A disagrees with your point B and C. (And C is basic Russian propaganda)

Is the death of my relatives propaganda?
Okay, I get you. Happiness to you and your loved ones, friend.

Quote :LPR is a Lugansk Ukrainian region occupied and controlled by russian terrorists
You are a typical russian believing the russian propaganda

upd. Навіщо ты так, брат? Ты же навіть не знаешь, звідки я. Мирного неба.
Quote from numbazZ :Damn, I am thankful for you and for all the people who understand the real situation

Я являюсь жителем данного региона, какая пропаганда, о чем ты вообще говоришь? 8 лет на территории лднр идёт война(антитеррористическая операция, как у вас ее называют) и в течении этой войны(операции) погибло более 14 тысяч мирных граждан. О каких террористах вы говорите? Думайте своей головой, в первую очередь. Всем мирного неба.
Quote from simon11111 :Я являюсь жителем данного региона, какая пропаганда, о чем ты вообще говоришь? 8 лет на территории лднр идёт война(антитеррористическая операция, как у вас ее называют) и в течении этой войны(операции) погибло более 14 тысяч мирных граждан. О каких террористах вы говорите? Думайте своей головой, в первую очередь. Всем мирного неба.

як ти поясниш ракетні удари по східним областям України зі сторони росії, повністю знищений Маріуполь? По Одесі та решті міст, декілька ракет прилетіло і по Львову, розбомблені міста у Київській області. Луганськ був українською територією поки не почалась пропаганда по визволенню рускоязичного населення, яке там ніби то ущемляли укрофашисти і ця пропаганда продовжується і досі. Війна на сході тривала всі ці 8 років проти військ окупантів і сепарів, але мирних жителів ніхто не бомбив і ніхто не ущемляв російськомовних. Як там не було, за ці два місяці загинуло пару десятків тисяч мирних людей, якщо і не сотня чи більше і все дякуючи росії. Удачі
#12 - Gunn
There is no issue here. I'm closing this thread to prevent the inevitable political bickering.
This thread is closed

War propaganda through mods
(12 posts, closed, started )