The online racing simulator
Im having trouble it says

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I tested a few road cars, and they sound really better. FZR sounds very different than before, but still ok. BF1 is horrible.

Generally, the sounds went from bssss (S1) to brrrrr (S2) to brooooom (U32).
what I want is rrroooooaaaaawrwrrwrrwararararrrrrrr

I need to get used to the sound more, in order to say if I like it more or not. Problem: broken wheel and not enough time to play LFS :/
For open wheelers

Gearing Down

I think we need the cam and valve sound like this

Basically I think I would rather it sound like a chainsaw than a vacum

Also the little cars should sound a bit ricey, as low end racecars do
Anyone else got sound crackling like this? Seems to be worst in the FXR and BF1.

EDIT: Recording and then encoding the sound to mp3 changed the sound a bit, it sounds even worse in-game.
Attached files
fxr sound.mp3 - 843.7 KB - 382 views
As Scawen has said we can discuss in here then I will post my 2p.

Definately a step in the right direction. However, I think the gear whine is unrealisitic, especially in the road cars. I have never heard a road car with such prominent gear whine. SOME GTR/race cars have gear whine, but not all even at that. IMO gear whine should be either car restricted, or blended into the background rather than being such a prominent and individual layer of sound.

In general I think LFS sounds are too prominently layered, i,e, far to easy to distinguish what each sound it. There should be some subtle sounds which add together, not a mash of whine/engine/skids etc.

Anyway, for a start I think the whine should be reduced at least, just to allow us to hear what the new engine sounds are like on their own. The whine is just too overwhelming, especially in-cockpit.

Sorry to pick up on that so much, but atm it bugs me a bit. With the right adjustments I think it will be fine.

Id also like to echo the request for an added exhaust note. IMO this is the most crucial part of any car sound and so should be a main focus.

edit: I actually think the mp3 of the FXR above sounds awesome, especially for a GTR. The whine etc are just not suitable to road cars with sounds proofing etc etc.
How to convert raw to wav?
Quote from Azaazaa :Anyone else got sound crackling like this? Seems to be worst in the FXR and BF1.

I just did 3 laps in each and none of the cracklin' sound from your MP3
like already said it misses a lot of the high pitched sounds now

i drive around and cant stop thinking that something is missing there
or somebody played around on the equalizer and accidentally turned
down the higher kHz but (but!) i think with a few adjustments this
could sound great in further versions

a big + also for the more believable TC sounds
(or is it just me who thinks they sound different now)
@Hurts2bStock: What you heard in a kart was a motorbike gearbox. A H-Gate gearbox makes only a very small sound when you put in a gear, because the mechanism is totally different.

1. Where are the higher frequencies? I remember the sound of my little race-prepped 2.5L I-4 and it had more higher frequencies when you listened to it through two thick walls at idle than the XRT at 7000 rpm.
Death to the dampening! We don't want dampening. Remove the muffler, remove the dampening materials from the chassis, remove the carpets, the passenger seats, remove everything that kills sound. From all cars. XRT, FXO, RB4, FZ5, all of them!
Really, the road cars are poor. Just remove the muffler. I don't want to listen to a road car on a racetrack, I want to listen to a roadcar that has been turned into a racecar for the track.
2. The tyre sounds get dampened away a bit too much. Right direction, a bit over the top. When I drove a normal street car on a racetrack I opened the windows a bit to hear the tyres better. Where are the open-windows keys?
3. Why does the gearbox whine loop near topspeed? There's a very noticeable loop, which was the reason why I stopped using CSR. This is most obvious in the UFR.
4. The FZR gets a from me. There's a nice tone to it's engine sound that's quite similar to real cars of that type. The FZ5 would also get that opinion from me if the sound wasn't dampened away.

The crackling I think is just wind boost, reduce it (you can try reducing the Wave slider in Windows volume control too) and see (hear) what happens.
Without rubbishing God's work (Even God can have a bad day at the office), the sounds smack of a real bad GeneRally sound pack. The FXR sounds rather castrated - it doesn't sound like the turbo 4 banger beast it is. The FO8 also sounds like a hairdryer.
hi, first i love most of the new sound improvements...

the turbo sounds are really great...

the gear sound is not real life but it fits lfs sound scheme (not like when u hear a real life recorded in a synthetic soundsystem that really doesnt fit) good work here

i love the difference esp. in the XFR, if u switch from cockpit to chasecam and back u can really listen a harsh difference in agressional sound not THE much it needs to make me shivers but its one of the best improves

i love vrooming mufflers
(i made a video bout this, so in that case i am pleased lol)!!!

it is always the kind of used to sounds when u get new ones BUT

* road cars sound kinda synthetic now, also all kinda bit same
* where is the agressive sound of the rac? HELL MAN TIGER BECOMES A PUSSY CAT
* where is the vroom of the 4wd FXO?
* whats up with the bf1? great improve here really great but there is the high freq typical f1 thing missing to sound like formula one, sounds like champcars v8 now...

generally missing some high freqs sumhow, like u forgot 3 lines in code

i love this patch very much esp. of the turbo sounds and all other stuff, but there are sum issuses that need to be patched.

in detail i mean the synthetic sound of road cars if u compare to u30 rac, fxo and surely the bf1...

fix that and the sound improves are hell awesome

cheers thanx for that on my birthday too :P HURRAY!!!
The patch U32 is very bad !

It has bad sound , but options are great
Okay, gave each car a quick run. So far:
  • XFG sounds weird/off/not right
  • FXO the same, a bit better on the FXR, but still not right
  • BF1 is truly the worst of all now, IMO. In extreme situations, like a spin or a crash where you go airborne or sometimes with TC kicking in the sound goes weird and doesn't make any sense. Sometimes the engine seems to quiet down completely (?)
  • All other cars seem quite good actually
  • Generally the gear whine is too audible in the road cars, I think. I seriously can't remember actively/distinctly hearing the gearwhine in any of the cars I've driven in real life, so it is kinda weird to make it out even at slow speeds in the UF1000/XFG/XRG. Can't comment on the TBO, as obviously the turbo masks/mixes with the gearwhine.
  • All cars, while sounding differently, seem to have the same "base". A bit more variety would be good.
  • Engine noise in general could use some detail. They all sound very clinical and too "perfect" at the moment.
Quote from ORION :Generally, the sounds went from bssss (S1) to brrrrr (S2) to brooooom (U32).
what I want is rrroooooaaaaawrwrrwrrwararararrrrrrr

I agree completely, you hit the nail on the head there.

To add to mrboogeyman's post, I think part of the reason why they sound so layered is because say, the gearwhine sounds shrieky, the tyres sound shrieky but not so much so open cars and too muffled in closed cars, the engines sound muffled, you get the point. It doesn't sound coherent. IMO LX6 sounds best of the new batch. It was the FZ50 before. Definitely a step up in informativeness though.
Quote from ORION :I tested a few road cars, and they sound really better. FZR sounds very different than before, but still ok. BF1 is horrible.

Generally, the sounds went from bssss (S1) to brrrrr (S2) to brooooom (U32).
what I want is rrroooooaaaaawrwrrwrrwararararrrrrrr

Totally agree, BF1 now is more far from its real sound. Nice represatations of the sounds ... i like more the actual brooom, than the brrrr .
Why with the custom view, when i put it outside of the car, the sound is still like it was inside of it? illepall
OK gave it a go. I'd like to be more constructive, but short of actually fixing it myself (impossible for numerous reasons ), all I or any of us can do is criticise things we think sound wrong

Diff/transmission whine: Hurrah it's there, thought it might be a possibility on the UF1000 but I certainly wasn't expecting it in the TBO cars, much less the FR cars. Doesn't seem to be a reason for it. Straight cut gears? Mini-esque engine-transmission layout/angle? Doubt it.

In the LX4, 9krpm sounds like 7krpm. The engines hardly seemed to be screamers anyway, but now they sound more choked than ever. This applies to all the other cars in fact, to varying degrees. Muffled, restricted, gutless, muted. Tickover is like an electric car.

There's also still, perhaps even less, of a metallic element to the sounds. Nothing sounds tinny, not on even the puniest motor with the peashooter exhausts. There's no rasp, no zing, no easy way to describe it

UFR and XFR just sound bizarre at low speed. Almost like pod-surfers. A combination of the overly smooth and muffled engine with the not-quite-right transmission whine.

They seem to sound a bit better from outside than inside the cars, but generally I prefer the previous sounds. They sounded more alive, more soulfull. U32 sounds are as if you're listening to a muffled bad recording of car sounds and the levels are all wrong. Which is a good thing, because less elements are missing than before, but it's actually further from being "right" than before.

Oh and BF1 sounds like a duck-call when you go through the gears, quack quackquack-quaack-quaack-quaaack

Disclaimer: The above = IMO. Not a statement of fact
Quote from Vain :@Hurts2bStock: What you heard in a kart was a motorbike gearbox. A H-Gate gearbox makes only a very small sound when you put in a gear, because the mechanism is totally different.

By cart I ment Champ car, not go-kart

Quote from ORION :This is the only sound that can actually help, the others are soooo low quality

Just for examples, not donating sound files....I was only trying to help describe my suggestions
Quote from ORION :I tested a few road cars, and they sound really better. FZR sounds very different than before, but still ok. BF1 is horrible.

Generally, the sounds went from bssss (S1) to brrrrr (S2) to brooooom (U32).
what I want is rrroooooaaaaawrwrrwrrwararararrrrrrr

Saw this too late, but I completely agree.
Some of the sounds are good (the XFG doesnt sound like a vaccum cleaner anymore! And the!) and bad (BF1 is just plain weird) but overall I like the new sounds. Truth be known, they sound like what I expect an engine to sound like if I was driving the car with the windows rolled up.

Suggestion: would it be possible to make the gear changes sound more of a "chuck" sound than a "chick" sound? The "chick" sound you expect to hear in a slotted metal shifter, like an old Ferrari. "Chuck" sounds more like a cable operated gear shift.
would it be possible to set the minimum of the car sound lower than 2 ? or the tires sound higher than 2 ? because i cant really hear my tires while drifting...
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OLD test patch thread, up to U35
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