2 years ago event at the Westschleife layout turned out to be success,last year's attempt to extend distance unfortunatelly was not so successful,so we'll return to original 300 kilometers distance this year. But to spice up the competition,we will add few more cars to last years selection of 5 original cars - a total of 39 different cars are up for selection in this year's race,all balanced to be on similar performance level to ensure that driving skill will be the deciding factor for entry's race pace. Cars' transmission layouts cover practically all possibilities - there are plenty of front wheel driven cars and all wheel driven cars,while rear wheel driven cars feature all 3 possible engine locations. Cars' weight ranges from lightweight below 600kg to heavyweight over 2000kg. Also engine size and power has huge variability - from 660cc 3 cylinder to 6.5 liter V8,while having also a V10 engine in the field,power ranges from 125 to 404 horsepower.
Also the track has received some updates - a total of 3 new sections have been added,one of them quite long,while 3 sections have been updated. Track length has been now extended to 14.42 kilometers and the track features a total of 84 turns (this number however is a bit variable as it depends from definition of a turn). To reach the distance of 300 kilometers,it is required to circle the track 21 times,where a good laptime will be below 9 minutes - with average speed a bit below 100km/h,the race length is expected to be over 3 hours. As always it will be allowed to race alone or in a team with up to 3 drivers - the track alone is an endurance factor,so it is highly advised to enter the race in a 2 or 3 driver team unless driver is ready for a proper endurance to race alone. A mandatory 30 seconds pitstop has been added to ruling this year as part of cars balancing and encourigement to create teams (some cars can finish race distance on single tank of fuel).
Sunday,12th June
15:45 UTC / 17:45 CET - 60 minutes open track qualifying
17:00 UTC / 19:00 CET - race start for the 21 laps race
* the shown CET time is current (summer) time - if not residing in CET time zone,always refer to UTC for correct time zone convertion!
Due the track length an outlap is very long and takes more than 1/7 of the qualifying time - all the drivers should be patient and leave large gaps (preferably even out of visibility range) to ensure a clean hotlap! Organization is encouraging to drive multiple hotlaps back to back as it will ensure more completed hotlaps.
Multiple driver entries are allowed to qualify only with 1 driver! The driver who qualified the entry must complete a minimum of full 10% of entry's total distance during the race (3 laps in case entry completes whole distance)!
Race will feature an extended starting grid - cars will be placed on grid in rows seperated by 20 meters distance between them to lower the probability of early incidents. Every entry is expected to be familiar with pitlane entry,exit and driver change procedure for error free pitstops.
Race requires a minimum time spent in pitstall of 30 seconds. That can be done either with single pitstop or sum of multiple pitstops. Entry which has spent less time will receive penalty time added to his finish time,which will be calculated by doubling the missing time to complete neccesary minimum time and adding additional 10 seconds. Drivers failing to pit at all will receive 150 seconds penalty added to finish time (30s*2 + additional 90s).
Track limits:
Due the low average width of the course it is important to point out about track limits - track is defined by paved surface (asphalt/tarmac/cobblestones) and 2 wheels have to be on it at all times! Drivers may not cut corners over grass and also may not run wide on grass when exiting turns with more than 2 wheels. If such event happens due a mistake,driver has to lift off throttle to make sure no advantage is gained. Fastest laps in both sessions will be checked for any violations while other drivers might be randomly checked during whole race. Best way to avoid any penalties is to stay fair!
There are serveral sections where leaving paved surface with all wheels is tolerated - these are marked with white and red chalk arrows. All around the track there are posts on both inside and outside of turns - even if these have no legal use and they are just visual help to determine track limits,drivers still should avoid knocking them down.
Cars and restrictions:
To level out performance of all 39 available cars,an restriction table has been created - the used restriction method is voluntary air restriction in percents. Each car has it's advantages and disadvantages,but overall deemed to have relatively equal performance after our limited testing.
Car setup limitations:
Slick tyres are not allowed!
Mods configs are not allowed to have rollcage,crashbars and lightbars - please select configs without these (illegal equipment)!
Cars list:
Original LFS cars:
• FXO - 4%
• FZ5 - 20%
• RAC - 27%
• RB4 - 1%
• XRT - 0%
• ADDA EIGHT-R V10 - 37%
• AHMED 2.7S - 27%
• ALEXIS GR-2 - 0%
• AM PHOENIX - 21%
• BUNTA - 25%
• BZ30 ROADSTER - 0%
• BZG COUPE - 22%
• CAMMERA 730 TURBO - 21%
• CVF2008 - 0%
• DEVIL Z - 11%
• DORITO-FC7 D - 23%
• EDM 540 - 8%
• EM30 - 0%
• GE20 - 27%
• GT-V34 - 10%
• REGINA 41S - 39%
• SCHANCKE 16V - 0%
• SDWIMP67 - 0%
• SEATTLE - 14%
• SOSISON - 3%
• TANGO MPI-R - 3%
• TAZ06 STREET - 9%
• TDN YANNY 20T - 15%
• TEZZA GIDA - 12%
• UF1 1200GTS - 0%
• UZM 1500 TURBO - 16%
• X13 COUPE STOCK - 0%
• XF GT TURBO - 11%
• XM-5 94 TURBO - 15%
It is advised to test several cars before signing up to decide the best car for your or your team's performance! Cars have different handling characteristics,some might be slightly less competitive. Cars list and their full specifications data can be found in this spreadsheet (test laptime and fuel range refers to 2021 layout where the testing was done).
Some cars still have WIP status and some do not have skins support.
Drivers are responsible to use correct restriction in all sessions and also in pre-event practice!
DISCLAIMER: Race Green Events is not affiliated to any of these user created cars! This means that organization of this event cannot affect existance and quality of these cars. We will contact mod creators 2 weeks before event start to ask them to withhold any perfomance affecting updates - before that we will monitor any updates and check for their effect on cars performance to decide if any alteration of restriction is needed.
Other info:
Blue flag behaviour - due long lap very rarely such occasion might happen. Even if the usual Race Green Events' rule of "you may not block lapping car's passing manouvre" is used also here,it is advised to try not to stay ahead of lapping car and let by in safe location before lapping pass is needed. Lapping cars still have to be very patient,wait for safe opportunity to lap and not force a pass in narrow turns.
Basic racing rules - we'll use as always basic rules of clean racing and judge incidents with common sense. It is advised to avoid any contacts in any situation to ensure clean and fair racing.
Rejoins - in case of time out,rolled or undrivable car it is permitted to rejoin the race. To ensure better visibility of race positions,the rejoined entry will receive back the completed laps as soon as possible - race administration will check the replay during race. If the timeout or telepit has happened before reaching 1st split of a lap,one lap will be deducted to avoid possible misuse!
Postrace action - after the distance has been completed,3 highest finishing cars are asked to take a place on a podium for post race media,located between tribunes. It can be accessed when followed the track - after the roundabout section on the left side of the straight. After top3 have taken their positions and photos are made,all other competitors also may join the area besides podium for further photo sessions.
Chatting - is limited during the race session. Allowed are short communications like appologies,thanking for letting by or between drivers of same entry when deciding when to pit and make driver swap,allthough it is encouraged to use external voice chat application (Discord,Teamspeak,phone call or whatever suits best). Race Green Events can offer a private voice channel in it's discord server if needed.
Unneccesary conversations will receive warning first and if not stopped - entry will receive drive-through penalty.
Not competing observers may not use chat at all!
Skins - specific car skins are not required in this race,allthough it is highly suggested to have a skin that displays entry number on car's side. Feel free to use event's official full logo on your skins! Also skins must fullfill lfsworld skin upload requirements and drivers may not use skins they don't have rights to use - like private skins of others or other teamskins.
Name format - entry number (may not be colored black or dark blue) required in front of your registered name,number and name must be seperated by a space.
Event server - server is online,is set in practice mode and has an Airio for laptime tracking (due hexadecimal code,most mods laptimes cannot be shown on simple !top table). Airio can spectate connections with very high and unstable ping for safety reasons (stable connections even from Australia should not be affected). Server will be open for public use until race weekend. For private practice feel free to use the attached layout.
Server link (click2join): Race Green Events

Event will be held using the latest stable version of LFS (currently 0.7D),compatible older versions are tolerated.
All information here can be changed,if so,notification will be posted about changes.
To sign up for this event,please visit the signups thread! Signed-up drivers will receive server information and password at least 24h before round start (planned in friday evening European time in weekend before event) via PM on this forum! Make sure you have enabled PM receiving!