The online racing simulator
Well, apparently it happens if you try to re-acquire an already acquired device, like keyboard, mouse or joystick/wheel. I guess you try to re-acquire as soon as LFS gets focus, but it seems like losing focus does not always actually lose the device handle, so when focus is regained there is a chance the DIERR_HANDLEEXISTS pops up. From what I've read that's simply an info message and doesn't actually do any harm, so a way to "fix" this "error" would be to simply not display it anymore.

I guess you could also try to poll the device to see if the handle is still there, and only if that fails try to re-acquire it. That should get rid of the message, too, but I don't know which solution is the better one. The former one is definitely the faster and an IMO not too horrid one, so I'd go with that.
Quote from Scawen :I can do it by nesrulz's method - continual rapid ALT+TAB keypresses usually taking around 10 presses.

This is my method.
No Alt + Tab.
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k this is my problem:
i have no overrev light anymore?
and i have some sort of engine lag... see replay
Attached files
kiss me_AU3_XRT.spr - 44.8 KB - 388 views
Your clutch is half in all the time...
The missing shift light is probably caused by this, too.
how to change this??
i have no other schifter but the ones on my wheel
I'm not sure, but go to Options > Controllers and set clutch to "button". Maybe you set it to "axis" by accident?
thanks that fixed it!!!
Quote from Scawen :Not really. I think it depends on your computer. On mine it is quite hard to reproduce. I can do it by nesrulz's method - continual rapid ALT+TAB keypresses usually taking around 10 presses - and Misko's method sounds quite likely as well. But it definitely doesn't happen on my computer usually just when clicking on LFS window or restoring it.

Anyway thanks for the reminder, I'll see if it can somehow not try to initialise the driver if the handle already exists (whatever that means).

I don't know if that helps one bit (as I don't get that error), but when I'm in windowed mode and LfS loses focus, it says in the controller options "No controllers detected"... Maybe this is a pointer for you... Or not...
Hi Scawen..
Quote from setup.cfg ://no/yes : allow car reset

Is this implemented yet? Just checking, because if it is.. it's not working
Love the new patch. This was the first test patch I installed so everything is new. I love the new track selection layout. The menus are easier to manage. Also I like the clock option so it's easy to check the time. But the number one thing I like about this patch is I ran a FRAPS benchmark on all the tracks and all the cars with S2, and with patch U30 I did the same benchmarking and it showed an average of 12fps increase.

Thumbs up on a job well done. Can't wait for S3.
I had a LFS crash tonight. I was admin'ing a league race and had just ended a race to setup for the feature race, and lfs crashed. The offset was a bunch of zeros and the last number was a 4.

Sorry I don't have more information than that, but thats all I remember.
1st LFS Crash ever, today
Well ran a AI only Qualifying race today at AS National, after the race was finished exited the game as normal and got the "LFS has encountered an error" etc dialogue box, The game had been running for several hours over 3, 1 hr races, last race was left running 1 hr after qualifying finished before I shut it down

couldnt snapshot the details but wrote this crash address down
last 6 numbers are : 7c911e52, windows module that crashed appeared to be ntdll?

hope this helps
using patch 30 (registered S2 user)
AMD 3200 64 1 gb ram 6600GT XP Pro SP2 with all latest windows patches
Quote from SamH :Hi Scawen..

Is this implemented yet? Just checking, because if it is.. it's not working

No. /canreset is an incompatible change, waiting for the incompatible version, patch W I guess.
Has anyone else noticed that the ALT F1-F5 keys don't change the view any longer. Did I miss that change somewhere along the line?
Yep, that's very recent, should be logged in the first post.

There was also a poll about it a week or so ago in the general discusssion forum.
Yes, you missed that change. Now ALT + F keys are assignable like the CTRL + F keys combination and the F keys.... I guess this makes the post off topic.
Yes, now they are programmable.

You can make them work exactly as they used to by assigning text to them, like /view=custom

See docs\commands.txt for the commands.
This post is regarding Graphics menu options. It is great that they are "made intuitive". So, as a note:

When you have options like "Draw sky", "Enable dither", "Uncompressed skins" then there are 2 buttons: "no" & "yes".

However, when you look at options like "Screen width affects LOD" and "Track LOD reduction", then there is only one button. Perhaps there could also be 2 buttons? It is good to visually see what your options are. Of course I don't know how those work or what LOD (Level of detail?) is, but since they are under graphics options I suppose they have a FPS impact and could also be made more "intuitive" !?

EDIT: Same with "Haze effect"
Nevermind, I figured that out
U30 sound crackling

1. I have U30 installed and I recognized when I play a single player replay the replay doesn't loop. After replay it goes back to main menu. I haven't read that this is wanted (if yes I am very sorry).

2. I have those sound crackling problems (in U28 more than in U30) too. They often happen in TVcam when many cars are visible and near the cam.

I have installed the latest DirectX9c version (Oct'06) but nothing changed.
Turning down the ingame soundvolumes didn't helped.
I also have tried a different (old) audio driver, but that was contra productive. With that old version the cracklings are more often.

my system:
Athlon64 3500+ (Winchester core at 2.2GHz), ASUS A8N-SLI board, creative soundblaster audigy LS (PCI), 1x ASUS extreme N6600GT 128MB (PCIe), 1024MB RAM, Win2000 Prof.SP4, nothing overclocked!

I tried my onboard sound chip too. But the same cracklings.

I know my soundcard is not the best (had a annoying soundproblem in FarCry too). Probably this was the reason why it was cheaper :cry::faint2::banghead:. Maybe my soundcard is the main reason. New drivers from creative are availible but especially my sound card and another card are not supported. So I didn't try them yet.

Note: keep up your good work guys.
U30 sound cracklings
Hi again,

I attached 3 videos. Maybe they help you.

1st video: TVcam with many cars
2nd video: cockpit (this vid has some longer cracklings, but this is a older replay v0.5T)
3rd video: cockpit (another vid but v0.5U30)

It seems that the cracklings often appear when e.g. in cockpit view the other cars sound appears or disappears (when you and the other car are side by side --> watch 3rd video)

Note: I know issuses with sound cracklings where posted before and you don't want posts about things you already know. But I didn't read a post about cracklings in U30. So I hope my posts are ok.

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This post is about the "Settings for custom view".

Whilst for "Draw (main)" you select one of three options "none/wheels/body", then for "Draw (look)" you can select "none/wheels/body" also, but you can LITERALLY SELECT NONE (=have none of the three options selected). Is it supposed to be like this or is it just a hiccup?

I must say the menus have become a bit more clearer. Still a way to go, though, but I'm sure you'll get around to it if/when you deem it necessary
Just a note for anyone experiencing crackling. Go into your audio options (in LFS) and change the car volume to 8, and everything else to 1.3. Don't know why this works but when you set car volume to 20 I get crackling aswell...
Why not? If you don't want to see the car nor the tyres in the main view and while looking left/right, just select "None" for both cases.
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